Another consequence of the printing press was that it made a big impact on the spread of Protestant religion. Luther’s ideas wouldn’t of been able to spread if it wasn’t for the printing press. His ideas helped spread the Catholic Church apart. Document three shows us how Luther’s ideas sought more people because of the printing press. The ideas made its way to lots of people and then the people would start to fall apart from the Catholic Church. Document four shows us a very important picture. One picture is of Jesus driving the moneychangers out of the temple and the other one is a picture of the pope collecting on indulgences. With the help of the printing press people started to realize that that wasn’t what Jesus wanted and that was another…
The printing press was transformed by Johann Gutenberg, a German goldsmith, and more than 8 million books were printed in Western Europe between 1456 and 1500. This invention had an effect with the Protestant Reformation. It not only furthered the knowledge of geography, but it also expanded knowledge throughout the countries and whether you were wealthy or poor, printing made books available to the general public.…
one of the ways the printing press changed human communication was writers and explorers from across the world could now share new discoveries and prints. Document 6 is a good example of how it changed communication and exploration; it shows a letter Christopher Columbus sent describing that he had found new islands. After sending that letter, it was sent to Barcelona, Valladolid, Rome, Florence, Paris, and many other places around the world. This made many explorers decide to set sail to make new discoveries because they knew there was more land to be found. In the next document there's sequential images of maps drawn after Columbus's letter, and its clear more land was being found and more detail to rivers and mountains were recorded.…
The printing press created the ability for individuals and companies to produce copies of music, therefore individuals could now produce multiple copies of music more easily. This allowed music to spread throughout a society and into others faster and more efficiently.…
In 1445 the German Gutenberg concocted the printing press. He changed the lives of a great many individuals all through Europe. Interestingly, bookmaking got to be shoddy and Gutenberg could print numerous books rapidly. In the Middle Ages books were exceptionally costly in light of the fact that they were composed by hand.…
His most significant event was creating the printing press. Before the invention of this movable printing press, hand written scripts were produces by a few time-consuming methods. That was until Gutenberg designed the first printing press. It required less time and effort. He had designed it and created it as fast as he could. This creation was the sole base for the knowledge of the later renaissance. At the time of Gutenberg’s life, no one had successfully created something like it.…
This essay will assess to what degree the invention of the printing press has contributed to the spread of the ideas and ultimately the success of the Reformation in England and Scotland during the Tudor period. The impact of print has been studied by several historians and conclude that the Reformation was ‘virtually unimaginable without the invention of the printing press’. The movable type printing press invented circa 1450 by Johann Gutenberg in Mainz. In 1517 Martin Luther’s nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the Church door in Wittenburg criticising the corruption and abuse of the Catholic Church and its doctrine, and this date is widely accepted to be the starting point of the Reformation. The subsequent printing and distribution of this…
Information once available to a small percentage of people could now spread to vast numbers. Today, thanks to new communications revolution, information can be spread around the world instantaneously. Faxes, instant messaging, and email all speed up our communication process. We can now share knowledge, experiences and emotions with people around the world. Consequently, the world today may seem no larger than a small village of Renaissance times. The printing revolution brought immense changes. Printed books were cheaper and easier to produce than hand-copied works. With books more readily available, more people learned to read. Readers gained access to a broad range of knowledge, from medicine and law to astrology and mining. Printed books exposed educated Europeans to new ideas, greatly expanding their…
Although the reformation was important to the printing presses success, I believe that exploration was more important. For example, Christopher Columbus would have never discovered the Americas if he had not explored the ocean. The creation and use of the printing press was important to the maps success. The printing press allowed for maps to be mass produced. These maps were then distributed all over Europe. New explorers saw and bought the maps and then went exploring and found new lands. They would then add the information that they discovered to revise and reprint a new map. Exploration also helped the spread of geological knowledge that might not have been spread otherwise. If explorers continued to only explore Europe and Africa they…
On the other hand, because printing was done by a machine, there was less room for human error so written language became more consistent. These new books were available to people who had never had access to written materials before because printed books were about two-thirds cheaper that handwritten ones and could be mass produced. As a result, libraries had a huge increase in new material and average families could afford books of their own for the first time. One of the most direct effects of the printing press was that it multiplied the number of books while cutting their costs at the same time. As a result of this effect, literacy increased in Europe, especially among the middle and lower classes, and people…
Quotes: "The roughly simultaneous development of the Printing Press resulted in the widespread dissemination of the Protestant ideas and won many converts to the cause of religious reform. People took their religion very seriously, and disagreements between the Protestants and the Roman Catholics soon warmed from debate to civil war in France, Germany, Iceland, the Netherlands, and Scotland"(Cook).…
The printing press helped individualism because the separation of church allowed social mobility. Individualism allowed people to hold jobs such as well the obvious one printer. Other jobs it allowed were librarians and later news papers. Individualism help fight against the wealthy because of the social hierarchy always worked out for the rich. Individualism was the worth of man and allowed a wider perspective for all who experienced the…
The drastic increase in literacy rates had dramatic impacts as well, especially in Europe, home to some of the most advanced civilizations in the early modern period of world history. Before, book copying was controlled by the Church, which could control or monitor what was being written and published. Because the printing press allowed information to spread quickly and accurately, more people…
§ every word, phrase & pic was on a different block -- new block carved each time…
and other. The most common type of communication is speech, but you could not talk to…