Bully-a blustering browbeating person; especially : one habitually cruel to others who are weaker(merriam-webster.com). Bullying is very harmful and can cause thoughts or actions that should not be tolerated because of someone who has bullied. For example, so many people have committed suicide and killed themselves or someone has taken their actions out on someone else because they were being bullied. Another example is people’s fillings getting hurt and they go home crying. Bullying is the process of intimidating others just to make themselves feel better because maybe they get …show more content…
For example, say if you are being bullied go and report it to a teacher or an adult that will be able to help you with your situation. Getting help can be the best solution to your problem or it’s just going to keep on happening to you and nobody is going to know what is going on to help you. However, there are way more ways to solve what is going on with your bullying problem another smart thing to do is just stand up to the bully and say something to make him stop, it’s called “ Self-defense” it will eventually help later in life. It’s that you can just walk away from the bully and don’t listen to them because almost everything that they say 99% of the time is not true. So just tell someone and get help if you are being bullied or report if you ever see someone getting bullied or someone bullying someone. That is how we can prevent bullying in schools in America