
The Problems Of Stolen Homework

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Stolen artworks seem to have been a problem staring off many years ago. Some of the main issues causing this are, people often believe they own artworks when they have legal claims, the general services and administration are responsible for artifacts and artworks in federal facilities, and the people who are in charge of the stolen artwork (NSAF) are based on an online database.

People often believe they own artworks when they have legal claims. They think this because they may have inherited them and then it "belongs to them". But, the original owner could have not had a legal claim passed down to them, therefore when the next person to receive the piece is now containing an illegal ownership.

As well as people believing they own their artworks, the general services and administration are responsible for the artifacts they believe belongs to them. They general services and administration filter what comes in and out of their museums. If the art pieces are misplaced, generally the blame will be placed upon them. They are the ones who ensure everything is real and filtered through their system. The struggle in finding the missing art pieces is hard because they have to face the authorities. The authorities could test them and make them go through hard trials before receiving the missing works back, since it was their responsibility to take care of it in the first place.
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Since the stolen artwork goes through the database, it is easy to catch people who are using the internet as their source. But, if a thief is committing the crime without using the internet, how is NSAF supposed to track them? Using an online database will not help them recover the art pieces if it is done

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