Parliamentary law is the highest form of law in England, which regards to national/domestic legislation. It is law made by Parliament or government departments. The law, which is approved by the commons, Lords and the Monarch is called legislation, and laws passed by Parliament (consists of two houses, the House of Commons where members of parliament sit and the House of Lords sit) are known as Acts of Parliament. An Act of Parliament creates a new law or changes an existing law. An Act is a Bill (law project) approved by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords and formally agreed to by the reigning monarch (known as Royal Assent, currently the Queen Elizabeth II is in charge of confirm that Bill. It is a mandatory process but the Queen can refuse to do it). Once implemented an Act is law; it applies to the UK as a whole or to specific areas of the country.
An Act may come into force immediately on a specific starting date or in stages. The practical implementation of an Act is the responsibility of the appropriate government department, not Parliament. For example, laws relating to transport matters would come under the administration of the Department for Transport. Parliament or its committees may investigate how the government implements the Act and would consider any future Bills that amended or replaced it. A law may be refused at the House of Lords stage; if this happens, it has to go back to the House of Commons and be amended.
• Advantage: o Parliament create laws to satisfy the social need and it can improve the social justice to clarify the role of government. o Parliament can amended or reverse a law, to improve its facts. o They have the power to create a law regarding any issue in the society or global.
• Disadvantage: o The process of passing an Act of Parliament can take years (slow process). This is due because it has to pass through many parliamentary readings and it could be