The period between 1900 and 1918 was known as the progressive era in the American history. It was during this brief time that America was completing its quick change from an agrarian to an urban society. For most Americans of this generation, early 20th-century America was the start to a relationship between a democratic government and its masses. This had a very positive impact on them. The progressives as they called themselves worked for a revival in the working conditions in factories and argued for better living conditions in the labor class. This era brought about great economic progress, which has transcended the country into an economic super power today. Industrialization in America was liberalized and distinct industries from distinctive sectors thrived. This was in addition to the already existing businesses prior to this period. The skilled labor was provided by the mass immigrants from the European countries. During this time, the major …show more content…
They wanted to spread this around the world and create a movement. This not only remained in America but had a good influence around the world. During the First World War, the progressive spirit turned to global apprehensions. Encompassing their democratic responsiveness and sense of moral duty to the state of affairs in Europe, the pro-war reformists move toward the pre-World War I with the same principles. Under Woodrow Wilson's guidance, America arrived in WWI in the direction to extend egalitarianism and spread its ideals beyond its own borders, which actually wasn’t a major success. The precedence of the progressive era helped a considerable deal during the Great Depression. All in all, this was a beginning of an economic revolution which in addition helped revive the society, bringing in equality and also had an international influence in their own societies and economies (Library of Congress, "Progressive Era to New