The pros and cons of e education budget cuts: An investigative study nvestigative
Phillip D. Coleman Western Kentucky University Rhonda Walker Western Kentucky University Lincoln Lawrence Western Kentucky University Abstract A review of the effects of past education budget cuts is important to review in order to better understand necessary modifications to meet the rising need for quality education in the United States. Multiple positive and negative outcomes are examined in order to balance the polar principles of education budget cuts. The positive outcomes are more attention on gas consumption by buses, improved paper reduction processes through technology utilization, application of energy efficient practices, implementation of environmentally friendly practices, and precise evaluation of educational and instructional time. The negative aspects of education he budget cuts include loss of exposure to education, increased disparity between stu students of low income and high income, loss of quality of education, elimination of special need programs, and increased costs to parents. The educational leaders, Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education and the National State Boards of Education should address the negative effects of the should current, No Child Left Behind accountability system as they prepare to implement the new Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 2011 and review the accountabilities that affect the quality of education and college preparedness of students while decreasing the f disparity between low income and high income students. Keywords: Education, Budget Cuts, No Child Left Behind Act, Efficiencies in Higher Education Act,
The pros and cons, Page 1
Research in Higher Education Journal igher J INTRODUCTION Education is affected by budget cuts as it has been for many years in the United States. With each new administration in the White House, new policies are enacted for accountability and
References: The pros and cons, Page 8 Research in Higher Education Journal igher J March 22, 1011 from U.S