
The Pros And Cons Of Adolf Hitler

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The Pros And Cons Of Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler, notorious dictator of Germany, started a mass genocide focusing on the Jewish religion. The defining concept his ideas were based off of was known as eugenics; getting rid of traits that are viewed as inferior by a group of people. Hitler spoke of the ideology in his book, Mein Kampf. In this text, the dictator stated that any ethnic group other than the Aryan race was subordinate. People within the Aryan race can be recognized by their blonde hair, blue eyes, and strong jawline. These people can be found in the European areas of the globe. Hitler took these ideas further than anyone could have ever imagined. He started out by the sterilization of people who were Jewish or had brown hair and eyes. He then escalated to putting …show more content…
With the advances in technology, people can now start to create their baby in a lab. They can choose between the many different traits their combined gene pools create: hair and eye color, intelligence, strength, immunity, etc. Many people are excited for the new technological breakthrough because they can now eliminate the chance of their child obtaining a hereditary disease. On the other hand, others are not as elated about the scientific breakthrough because they believe the negative effects could outweigh the positive. This is absolutely true and the research for designer babies should be stopped because the process will be dangerous for the baby and society as a …show more content…
Constructing babies can bust someone’s bank account excluding those on the wealthier end of the spectrum. An article written for StudyHealth, an organization created to give the public quality health information, states creating a baby can reach up to one hundred eighty thousand dollars (“Pros and Cons of Designer Babies” 2). An average American family can not afford to have the procedures done because the procedures cost well over double the average income. Therefore, only the wealthy will be able to participate in manufacturing the “perfect” child. If designer babies become more prevalent throughout the United States, a substantial divide will be created due to the financial gap. This could lead to segregation of the modified children and the natural-born children. Some people may not think of this as true due to the fact there is already a class divide between rich and poor. Thomas Corley, a best-selling author and media contributor for CNBC and Business Insider, says, “The rich are able to remain healthier, longer. They have access to the best medical care, medical procedures to resolve obesity, personal trainers to help them stay fit and they can afford to buy expensive nutritional food” (1). This depicts how the wealthy already have more benefits than those who do not have as much money. Another divide seen in the younger generation of today is how children who come from rich families already have the

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