This was said by Captain Black, he is talking about teaching kids to memorize this and say it all of the time, long before they even figure out or begin to figure out what it means. As long as they pledge allegiance, who cares if they know what it means. We teach them how to say it as well as make them say it often, because they need to know how to do it. All we want them to do is pledge, whether they know what it means or not. “they know that what's good for the syndicate is good for the country, because that's what makes Sammy run. The men in the control towers have a share, too, and that's why they always have to do whatever they can to help the syndicate” Milo compares the men to someone that is doing nothing but trying to help their group. The men already instinctively know that if it helps the syndicate, it will help their country. As if they were shareholders, a shareholder is more likely to help that company they own shares with if it will increase their profits. The men in the control towers are their to protect their syndicate, if they protect the syndicate, it is protecting their country. They are there to help, if they weren’t there to help, they wouldn’t be in the …show more content…
This also applies to his understanding of the world, through the syndicate’s perspective. He saw all of the related signs but could not put them together about the Germans and the American’s. To most, the Germans are seen as America’s enemy. To Milo, the Germans are just another shareholder included with the syndicate. Milo could see much more than anyone else but just could not seem to make sense of very much of it. The language in Catch-22 is hardly like what language means to most people, specifically Doc Daneeka. Generally a promise is the strongest form of language. If someone promises that they are going to do something, they are going to do it no matter what. Doc Daneeka doesn’t necessarily think so, the way he is adding conditionals like “maybe” and “I’ll think about it” hardly strengthens the promise. The language is very beat around the bush in some cases, it is not black and white. In Catch-22 they add hidden meaning to what they are actually saying, such as I promise, but I really