And, too many people are ignorant about the power of cyberbullying. Too many people think that it's just a silly thing that only affects stupid preteens who should just turn off their devices. But, what they don’t understand is that cyberbullying affects not only kids, but adults as well as supported in the Tyler Clementi case. Furthermore, why should anyone be forced to give up their devices because others don’t respect them? That is an example of victim-blaming. People should be asking why the bullies don’t just stop harassing their victims. …show more content…
However, that logic is missed by bullies who continue to torment their victims. It’s bad, because it causes many ill effects, the worst being depression. Depression can lead to suicide. And, DoSomething reports that the effects of cyberbullying make victims 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide than usual. Aside from depression, bullying makes the victim have a lower self-esteem, more likely to skip or quit school or work, make students receive poor grades, and push the victims towards alcohol and drugs (“11 Facts About Cyberbullying”). These types of effects should be avoided for how badly they affect people’s