How would you feel? Cheated? Uncertain? Taken advantage of? This is what international adoption agencies do to families. International adoptions cannot be trusted and we should adopt inside of our country because they are more reliable. In many other countries, owning or running an orphanage can be a profitable business and it cannot always be trusted. But you know what can? Foster homes right here in America. International agencies in foreign countries cannot be trusted for many reasons. Firstly, when a person donates money toward the adoption agency, the foreign donations are going toward the owner. The money will profit the owner and their own self benefit while the children are victims of sexual abuse, organ harvesting, and illegal adoption (Ahern). On top of this, the government of that country will not oversight the unlicensed orphanages (Ahern). A UNICEF child-protection worker said that “Ghana has become a business enterprise, a highly lucrative and profitable venture” (Ahern). This is why these agencies cannot be trusted. Additionally, there is a decrease in business within America because of the financial trouble they are in. These types of agencies, even in America, are shutting their doors. By 2008, 15% have shut down (Frosch). The reason for this is because it people are using orphanages for foreign children as a money making scam. The owners promise the adopters their child and give them tons of fees to pay. Once they have paid their fees, the orphanages “claim” that they have shut down, not giving a penny back to the adopters and not providing the child (Frosch). A UNICEF child-protection worker said that “Ghana has become a business enterprise, a highly lucrative and profitable venture” (Ahern). Therefore, the international agencies definitely cannot be trusted at all. Some agencies have been caught and went to court. But in the
How would you feel? Cheated? Uncertain? Taken advantage of? This is what international adoption agencies do to families. International adoptions cannot be trusted and we should adopt inside of our country because they are more reliable. In many other countries, owning or running an orphanage can be a profitable business and it cannot always be trusted. But you know what can? Foster homes right here in America. International agencies in foreign countries cannot be trusted for many reasons. Firstly, when a person donates money toward the adoption agency, the foreign donations are going toward the owner. The money will profit the owner and their own self benefit while the children are victims of sexual abuse, organ harvesting, and illegal adoption (Ahern). On top of this, the government of that country will not oversight the unlicensed orphanages (Ahern). A UNICEF child-protection worker said that “Ghana has become a business enterprise, a highly lucrative and profitable venture” (Ahern). This is why these agencies cannot be trusted. Additionally, there is a decrease in business within America because of the financial trouble they are in. These types of agencies, even in America, are shutting their doors. By 2008, 15% have shut down (Frosch). The reason for this is because it people are using orphanages for foreign children as a money making scam. The owners promise the adopters their child and give them tons of fees to pay. Once they have paid their fees, the orphanages “claim” that they have shut down, not giving a penny back to the adopters and not providing the child (Frosch). A UNICEF child-protection worker said that “Ghana has become a business enterprise, a highly lucrative and profitable venture” (Ahern). Therefore, the international agencies definitely cannot be trusted at all. Some agencies have been caught and went to court. But in the