This is the long term overall idea of depression and dissociation together. A person with PTSD can/will suffer from long term effects, uncontrollable thoughts, and a hard time coping. This situation is long term because this is when it has sunk in and took effect to the person brain altogether. Although this person is fighting this situation he/she is still dying inside from this situation. Even if they are not in the situation anymore the memory isn’t too quick to fade. Uncontrollable thoughts, nightmare, flashbacks, and severe anxiety. Not being able to sleep or think without having a bad dream or flashback about the terrible things a partner may have done is part of PTSD. As the victim is tossing and turning at night only thinking about the partner that beat them. Now the victim is scared for life. Painful scenes rushing through their mind while they cry and waddle in a puddle full of tears because they can’t control their thoughts. Adjusting to something is really hard especially when it’s abuse. Coping is hard as well when you have been abused. This only makes it hard because it’s not physical anymore it’s
This is the long term overall idea of depression and dissociation together. A person with PTSD can/will suffer from long term effects, uncontrollable thoughts, and a hard time coping. This situation is long term because this is when it has sunk in and took effect to the person brain altogether. Although this person is fighting this situation he/she is still dying inside from this situation. Even if they are not in the situation anymore the memory isn’t too quick to fade. Uncontrollable thoughts, nightmare, flashbacks, and severe anxiety. Not being able to sleep or think without having a bad dream or flashback about the terrible things a partner may have done is part of PTSD. As the victim is tossing and turning at night only thinking about the partner that beat them. Now the victim is scared for life. Painful scenes rushing through their mind while they cry and waddle in a puddle full of tears because they can’t control their thoughts. Adjusting to something is really hard especially when it’s abuse. Coping is hard as well when you have been abused. This only makes it hard because it’s not physical anymore it’s