The other goal is to manage the website content. Managing the amount content on the website will create a visual and financial foundation which will be beneficial for the customer and owner. Elements of design and graphic which includes color, number of words per line, tastefully images, animation and/audio, images, and etc. Also music, color and lighting can influence the shopper to spend time and money (e.g., Herrington and Louis, 1994). These elements will attract customers to purchase items from the website. Attracted customers will be profitable for the…
* A framework for thinking about Web site designs from a human-computer interface perspective is the 7Cs framework developed by Payport and Jaworski (2004). Briefly describe the 7Cs.…
Computer with an internet connection, interactive media products on the web can also be accessed on the web from smart phones and tablets meaning not only computers can access an interactive media product but other devices as well. The web as a format is very mobile as interactive products on there can be moved from one computer to another without physically moving the product but instead the product is stored on a webpage and can be accessed at different points e.g. One person at a library can be interacting with the product and at the same time another person at a school can access the product because the web is mobile, the interactive products are stored on the website to be used at more than one location by more than one user at a time, hence why interactive websites such as ‘’ are being accessed by millions of people at the same time who have an internet connection.…
A website is made for its audience. Therefore, the website should change when its audience does and evolves based on its audience’s wants and needs. Per Peter Brophy Director of the Centre for Research…
In my classroom I would use a computer for exploration has its pros by allowing students to explore the internet and to do research. There is so much more information on the computer and the information is more current. When Pluto was delisted as a planet and recognized it as a star we had the current information because of the internet access. Students find it easier to access information which helps students stay engaged in a project. The con for using a computer for exploration is that students may explore beyond the parameters of their project and get distracted. I will use a computer for lesson integration and it has its pros by incorporating the technology into the lessons which helps the students get excited about the subject. There are many subjects like social studies and science that are more engaging with virtual trips and streaming video. The con to using a computer is that it is not always easy to find what you want. This can be very frustrating and cause more time in planning your lessons. I will use a computer with students that have special needs and there are many pros. First, students can go at their own pace and get individual instruction, and handicapped students can use assistive technology. The use of a computer allows students to work at their individual pace and get instruction directly from the instructor. This allows teachers to have more time for other students and it allows teachers to use that time to do more. Students that need assistive technology can get this from using the computer and will…
This shift toward tablet computing - still in its early days - has already had a major affect on the way people use the Web and how websites are constructed. HTML5 was one of the key buzzwords of the year, in no small part because adoption of the technology makes it easier for Web developers for forge apresence on any screen. Apple's refusal to support Flash, coupled with the popularity of its devices, has led developers to more aggressively adopt open standards like HTML5 and even caused Adobe to abandon the mobile version of Flash altogether.…
Flash player did most of the job on the multimedia needs of the system. Even though PHP and Flash made a great help on supporting the system, but they had incompatibility with each other. The proponents had to deal with the programming languages requirements. There are times that many debug appears in the monitor because the proponents did not know how to code it properly. The proponents also considered the requirements of beneficiary’s for the system, including the design and the processes and functions of each buttons. The proponents had to make several designs before they came up with their final interface…
The benefit of web page and search engine use for an organization are convince and money. Having the ability to find what you need when you need it saves time and money. The drawbacks are employees using the internet for non work related things and security threats such as viruses.…
With Adobe Flash Professional, I can create animations and videos. In High School this will be really useful if I need to make a video for a project. In college this will be equally important and useful because I can again make videos or animations for some of my classes that may require that. In the work force, I can become a video editor for movies. I can use Adobe Flash to edit the movies and change them how I like them.…
If you asked a group of young kids today if they remember a time without the internet, the answer would be no. Using the web has become so popular that it is one of the most powerful tools used today. There is so much that you can do using the internet, from social media, to school, to businesses, etc. There are many arguments about whether the web is a good or bad thing, but I believe that it is somewhere in between and before people pick a side, they need to take a closer look at the advantages and the disadvantages of using the internet.…
A benefit that I see with instant messaging is that a message can be sent immediately to some one. The draw backs are that it can have a slow delay with sending or receiving due to server or network problems.…
Another benefits of watching anime is you will have an interest in Japanese Language and Culture.The most educational benefit of students' interest in anime is the frequent interest in Japanese language and culture. They will learn how to speak and write the letter in Japanese. There is a benefit when you go to Japan, you no need a translator or a devices have translate settings to communicate with the people in Japan! This will also help…
Some pros and cons of the digital age is that the technologies are sort of helpful and useful at times and too much at times and start addictions to technology. The good thing about the digital age is that for search engines you can thuroghly research things you want to know without going to books. The cons about the digital age is that people get too attracted to games, such as in Korea people often have small games on their phones or computer and they will play all day long, so they now make the addiction as serious as drugs or smoking. Now they have a institute for people with addiction to games and help them get over the addiction…
Online shopping creates a whole new experience to shopping. You can shop without having to leave the comfort of your house. You can shop in your pajamas if you wanted to. Online shopping also takes out a lot of stress from having to wait in line and dealing with incompetent cashiers. Plus you can also keep track of things you want to buy in the future by using a wishlist. A lot of times the prices are cheaper too because you don’t have to go through middle men. You can also ship gifts straight to relatives and friends instead of having to get the item and shipping it yourself at the post office. The possibilities are endless with shopping online.…
Although there are many advantages of using the Internet, there are also many disadvantages. For instance, people are becoming very lazy since the Internet came out. They just depend on the computer to find the answers instead of going to the library, asking their professors or other people. They could also do it by themselves. In addition, nowadays, students are…