Since the beginning of this race, millions of us Americans have become more and more doubtful of Hillary Clinton's ability to defeat Mr. Trump. There is no longer any doubt that Hillary Clinton has become a burden to the public and to the party. When we ponder all her issues, including her health complications, her 'pay to play' foundation, her war exploiting, and her email scandal, to name just a few, it appears that her deficiencies far exceed her positives. Donald lacks clear thinking and must never become Commander-in-Chief. Scaring voters with the prospect of Trump as president is only another Secretary Clinton media tactic to deceive us into voting for a corporate puppet who will lead us into war as she destroys
Since the beginning of this race, millions of us Americans have become more and more doubtful of Hillary Clinton's ability to defeat Mr. Trump. There is no longer any doubt that Hillary Clinton has become a burden to the public and to the party. When we ponder all her issues, including her health complications, her 'pay to play' foundation, her war exploiting, and her email scandal, to name just a few, it appears that her deficiencies far exceed her positives. Donald lacks clear thinking and must never become Commander-in-Chief. Scaring voters with the prospect of Trump as president is only another Secretary Clinton media tactic to deceive us into voting for a corporate puppet who will lead us into war as she destroys