In discussing the difficult subject of biomedical ethics, there are different scenarios that play out differently because of people’s views about morality. Consider the scenario of an eighty year-old man whom we will call Mr. Simpson. Years of getting the flu with complications has left Mr. Simpson’s lungs very weak and unable to take another year of the flu. In fact another year of the flu will likely kill him. He does not want the flu shot because he sincerely believes that the actual flu shot will give him the flu. With further research, the doctor and the family find that Mr. Simpson will accept an immune boosting shot only. If the physician lies to Mr. Simpson about the injection then he will accept it. What it all boils down to is, if the physician tells the truth, then Mr. Simpson will refuse the flu shot, likely contract the flu, and possibly die. On the other hand, if the physician lies to Mr. Simpson, then he will accept the flu shot and potentially be okay for the next flu season. The dilemma lies in what the physician should do; lie to the patient or be truthful.…
“Employers should not require employees to get immunizations because of possible problems with the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and other potential legal issues,” Biddle argues that employees should be paid for receiving vaccinations as it would be part of work time and employers would need to negotiate the issue with the union first if they were dealing with unionized employees. He adds that employers could be liable under workers compensation statutes if there are adverse reactions. Employers can have a list of vaccinated employees but under the ADA, it would have to be kept separate outside of employee records. If employers vaccinated on the site, all health information would require employees to release the information under HIPAA guidelines. Many hospitals require nurses to wear masks if refusing the flu vaccine, however, this practice violates HIPAA because the nurses refusing are patients and now everyone knows they're not vaccinated and this violates patient…
The article by Kate Thayer, is an obvious push to persuade the idea of child vaccinations and the role that parents and doctors play in them. It follows the story of a family, who was against the idea of getting vaccinated until they developed the rotavirus and their school system started kicking out unvaccinated children. The mother states that doctors were not doing their role to inform parents and reduce their fears on vaccinations. Many health facilities have even started turning away patients who refuse to vaccinate, which is a divided issue. On one side, people say that turning away patients is okay because they are protecting their other patients. However, doctors have a better chance of convincing parents to vaccinate if they keep the…
Imagine getting a call from your child’s school telling you your child has a fever. Like most parents you would probably give your child some Tylenol and let them sleep it off. One mother did just that. Rebecca Hendricks received that call from her daughter's school around 2:30 p.m. in December of last year. The school nurse called to report Scarlett Anne had a temperature and needed to be picked up from school. Scarlett’s mother Mrs. Hendricks then brought her 5-year-old home, gave her Tylenol, fixed her a bowel of hot soup and let her rest on the couch. Within two days, Scarlett Anne seemed to be improving. She ate cereal for breakfast, then curled up on the couch with her mother to watch cartoons. Within half an hour Scarlett Anne was asleep. While asleep her mother became concerned by her labored breathing, her mother then woke her up, dressed her in pajamas, and rushed her to the emergency room. Three and half hours later, the little girl with beautiful blue eyes was dead. The CDC estimates that up to 20% of the population gets sick from the flu each year. Of that percent indicated only 40% are regularly vaccinated against the flu. Sadly, Scarlet Anne did not receive a vaccine that could have saved her life.…
In 1984, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended health care worker to be vaccinated against influenza. According to the ethics principles, health care works are expected to receive the influenza vaccination. This can become an ethical dilemma because it contradicts the human rights to refuse medical care. Also, religious obligation could oppose debate.…
Although vaccinations are something generally done by most people, there are people of certain demographics that choose not to vaccinate or are unable to vaccinate for their own reasons. According to Smith et al.’s (2004) Parents who are more likely to go the anti-vaccination route generally come from white, higher income and education households, typically with four or more children. Verses parents who are often young and minorities, with little to no education and live in lower income households. More times than families who don’t vaccinate or are undervaccinated due to economic hardship, health insurance status or lack of, not because they…
The desire and need for a code of ethics in public health came out of growing recognition of the inadequacies of medical ethics for guiding public health decisions (Kanekar & Bitto, 2012). There was an absence of an explicit set of ethical guidelines for organizations that dealt with public health to follow. During the annual APHA meeting in 2000; the PHLS Ethics Work Group, comprised of the Public Health Leadership Society (PHLS), along with local and state public health professionals, public health academia, representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Public Health Association (APHA) were encouraged to come together and initiate the process of writing a code of ethics for public health (Thomas,…
Healthcare professionals have to follow the principle of non-maleficence, meaning not to harm their patients. Implementing the mandated vaccine will represent a way to reduce the probability of unintentionally transmitting a serious infection to other people. Healthcare professionals also have a duty to protect patients and to remain healthy while providing…
Children are the future so why risk their health? It Vaccines have been considered critical in the world today to keep us from being overcome with disease; however, there are some risks. It is important to know both the pro’s and con’s of vaccines before you get your child vaccinated. Although there are some risks, it has been said that more die from not getting vaccinated than a vaccinated child.…
Some people have different opinions when it comes to deciding if children should get vaccinated or not. There are both pros and cons to getting children vaccinated, some of the pros are that it can help get rid of any type of bacteria that may be building up inside a child’s body. A con is that vaccines can sometimes cause serious and even fatal side effects. However, overall vaccinations and getting children vaccinated would be the best way to go. it’s better to be thankful now than to be sorry later. Vaccinations are the best way to keep children from being vulnerable to diseases or viruses. One of the main reasons why a person should get their child vaccinated is that vaccinations can save your child’s life. ( By going to the doctor and…
Vaccines are substance that are generally injected into a person or animal to protect against a particular disease. The advantages and disadvantages of vaccinations have been discussed by scientists such as Shizuo Akira or David Amaral. There have been studies conducted all over the world but mainly in United States and Europe. The main controversy surrounding vaccines is whether or not getting vaccinated is worth the potential side effects. Society is impacted in many ways but the largest way being that these potential side effects can be deadly at times.…
The usage of quarantine increases numerous ethical worries. Countless people believe that quarantine starts an unjustified reduction of personal rights, while others see it as an essential characteristic of infectious disease control. Some ethical thoughts to consider are whether the idea of quarantine is reasonable ethically and it is effective. It is vital to make a strong difference amongst quarantine and separation (Rothstein, 2015). Quarantine is the separation of people unprotected who are not yet indicative for a period of time to regulate whether they will have symptoms. Quarantine can accomplish many goals; it ends the sequence of communication because it is less likely to infect others in social movement. Also, it permits the individuals…
Journal Entries: What “new” guiding practices or techniques have you been using based on what you learned in Guiding 1? Why? I work with infant and toddlers. I have been using both indirect and direct techniques to guide children as I am currently working with children who are still developing their language skills.…
I am currently working at Walgreens as a pharmacy intern and I have seen many patients suffering from chronic disease conditions and they have none or very little knowledge of those disease conditions. I have seen many patients coming to us asking for over the counter medications for cold, cough and fever. Seeing the community suffering from sickness served as a huge motivation for me to educate them on preventative care to promote health and wellness of the community. So, as a part of a wellness program at Walgreens, it is my responsibility to remind or educate them for seasonal flu shot or other preventative vaccines. For example, I started reminding our patients about their seasonal flu shot or any other vaccines, when they come to pick…
Abraham Lincoln was a very effective leader throughout the Civil War. Although he had no prior military experience, he proved to be an asset throughout the war. According to his contemporary critics, Abraham Lincoln's Presidential record was notable for his despotic use of power and his blatant disregard for the Constitution. Lincoln ordered thousands of arrests, kept political enemies in prison without bringing charges against them, refused these hapless men their right to trial by a jury of their peers, and ignored orders from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to release them. In his first few months in office he made the most direct violations of the Constitution in the Nation's history. He increased the size of the Regular Army without Congressional approval, spent money without Congressional authorization, suspended the writ of habeas corpus without authority and generally acted as if he had never heard of the other two branches of the government. He threw out the Constitution and retained popular appeal of the masses.…