Rex Murphy’s essay, “What We Are Fighting For,” strives to outline the reasons behind the Canadian governments’ continued deployment of troops to Afghanistan. Murphy reviews the initial reasoning for deploying troops overseas, then continues on to explain that simply disbanding the Taliban government is insufficient. He indicates that the UN led mission is also implementing peacekeeping measures, and Canadian troops, as Peacekeepers remained. Murphy outlines the ambitious peacekeeping goals and provides insight into civil liberties those of us from democratic nations, often take for granted. The author then delves into the intricacies and obstacles faced in attempting to install a democratic government in a country still under threat of Taliban…
Brand new Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, announced on November 17, 2015, that Canada would send more ground troops to Iraq. These troops would be special forces trainers who would develop the Iraqi military to combat ISIS on the ground.…
Equally vital is that Canada continues to invest in overseas training opportunities with NATO and other allies. This kind of training can be expensive and therefore hard to rationalize, but it is the foundation for cooperation in times of need; a foundation that is painfully difficult to build in the throes of a crisis. For Canada, interoperability and the ability to work in the closest harmony with likeminded nations will remain amongst its highest goals and a…
Per the Constitution, Congress is charged with giving advice and consent with regard to trade agreements. During the past few decades, however, Congress shrugged this responsibility and passed the right somewhat by giving the president trade promotion authority. This is essentially right to yes or no vote on the treaty that is negotiated by the President’s administration. It is intended to avoid quibbling over line items that could necessitate renegotiation.…
making Canada an all the more just society. Possibly not the equitable society, or even…
• It wasn’t necessary. Canada wasn't in any threat of danger, they had already sent many soldiers, and they needed men for their own country in preparations if they ever got attacked.…
NAFTA is categorized as one of the largest formed trading blocs. Despite the expansion and diversification in the economies of member states, there has been quite a number of setbacks as a result of the enactment of the trading platform. NAFTA'S focus was to reduce tariffs among member states namely Mexico, Canada, and the United States over the years, making it easier to trade goods across national borders, and increasing economic efficiency in North America.…
The act of warfare has never been and will most likely never be celebrated and perceived as a beneficial act for humanity. In most instances throughout history, the act of war has represented loss of life, a loss to great for any wartime triumph to overcome. Despite the negative connotations that warfare implies, a nation which goes through a major war can often emerge positively transformed. The Second World War represents a colossal juncture in Canada’s history as a nation. The war propelled Canada into the latter part of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century as one of the prodigious, western industrialized nations. From an economical standpoint, the Second World War ignited Canada’s ascension into a fully modern and mechanized country. Furthermore, the war changed the social landscape of Canada, fully transforming the roles of women and evolving the immigration policy, which eventually lead to Canada becoming one of the most culturally diverse and interracial nations by modern accounts.…
During the early to mid-twentieth century, the United States entered a period of deep isolationism in response to the policies of foreign countries. American foreign policy consisted of two goals, isolationism and neutrality, however, the countries views changed during the time period of 1930-1941 in response to the Great Depression, attempted neutralities with foreign countries, dictatorships, and attacks from other countries.…
at home and overseas for strengthening the Canadian nation by advancing the role of Quebec in…
The Canadian Armed Forces later got involved due to the attacks on September 11, 2001. It was on that day when four passenger planes were hijacked. A number of terrorists took over the planes over the eastern United States. Two of these planes were flown into the Twin towers, another was flown into the Pentagon, and the fourth plane crashed in a farmer’s field. These attacks greatly affected the United States and many other countries. Canada, having lost 24 Canadians in the attacks would soon join in the efforts to battle terrorism and bring democracy to Afghanistan.…
Why is it that when you research Canadian Prime Ministers on the internet, or in a library, Pierre Elliot Trudeau's name appears more than any other? Why is that everyone knows his name? In short, what makes Trudeau, Canada's most famous Prime Minister? The fact is without the influence of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, it is likely that Canada and Quebec would currently be two separate countries. Pierre Eliot Trudeau was able to unify Canada through the implementation of the Official Languages Act, the implementation of the War Measures Act during the October Crisis and his devoted efforts against separatism during the Quebec referendum.…
The bloody Vietnam War of the 1950’s was fought by the brave American troops with the help of the Canadian citizens. Though, sources claim that Canada had a limited amount of contribution in the war, facts state otherwise. The Vietnam War took place during the Cold War era where a military conflict had occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from November 1 1955 to April 30 1975. Canada became officially involved in the Vietnam conflict in 1954, as part of the International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam. However, Canada did not post troops to Vietnam until 1973, in which Canadian troops remained under the United Nations banner to enforce the Paris Peace Accords. The War had persisted for more than nineteen years, five months, four weeks and one day. During the Cold War era, Canada remained associated with the main stream western powers. Many Canadians who truly wanted to fight in the War had served along the U.S Military. Canadians serving with the United States had occurred as far back as the Civil War. In addition, Canada was part of many organizations such as “N.A.T.O” (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) which guaranteed Canada would not partake in the Vietnam War. Even though people around the world contemplate that Canada had no contribution in the Vietnam War, various facts state that Canadians did have excessive amount of involvement towards the Vietnam War that was never taken into consideration. Throughout this essay, the reader will be able to grasp a general understanding of the ways in which the Canadians had part in The Vietnam War, regardless of what bias sources claim. To start with, Canada sent more than thirty thousand troops into the Vietnam War with the Americans – these troops volunteered and died there. Canadians had also sent plenty amounts of supplies…
The tensions between the United States and Canada have been extremely high, since the accusations started by both countries of sending terrorists into eachs countries oil production facilities. On June 2017 after mysterious explosions and fired destroyed the North Dakota town of Willistin, the united states, claiming self defense, declared war on Canada. The European union negotiated a truce but irritated Canadian civilians are now waging guerilla warfare in hopes of restarting the American-Canadian War. The Combat Brigade Team (CBD) is in charge of launching a counterinsurgency campaign against the Canadian guerillas that want to provoke the US military into war, and has asked me to prepare rules of engagement brief…
Kim Richard Nossal, The Politcs of Canadian Foreign Policy Third Edition, (Prentice Hall Canada Inc., Scarborough, Ontario, 1985), 71…