They attempt to draw the line, but as stated in the article by Hobson-West, they use can have a tendency to obstruct the experiments progress, and in turn be more harmful in the long run. In the article “Ethical and Scientific Considerations Regarding Animal Testing and Research” the authors state that “some in the scientific community are beginning to question how well data from animals translates into germane knowledge and treatment of human conditions.” Simply meaning that, it is being discussed that the results coming from medicinal testing on animals may be producing results, however, the results that are being produced may not be beneficial towards treating ailments in humans. If the point of using animals to test these medicinal products is to possibly save the lives of humans, but the results cannot be applied in a real world setting, than the experiments themselves would be deemed unnecessary, and therefore unethical. This comes from the fact that as times goes on, we get a better understanding of animals and their threshold for pain and emotions…
The sentencing process can be extremely long or short. Regardless of how long the trials come out to be there is still a process that the court must go through. In this report I’m going to talk about the 5th, 6th, 14th amendments, and discuss the 5 philosophies of sentencing.…
Scientists are constantly looking for new medical advances that they hope will save people’s lives and often turn to animals as the optimal resource for testing new ideas and products. These animals range from rats and mice to dogs and monkeys. On top of varying animals, the tests they run fluctuate from simply checking the effectiveness of a medicine already in use to testing an entirely new form of treatment. However, there have beens years of controversy over the morality of using animals as the test subjects.…
The United States Sentencing Commission is responsible for sentencing policy in federal courts. In 1980 they reformed the federal sentencing. The intent was to provide determinate sentencing. Determinate sentencing is a fixed period of incarceration without the possibility of parole, but time served can be reduced by accumulating good time. “Coinciding with the development of determinate sentencing has been the development of sentencing guidelines to control and structure the process and make it more rational. Guidelines are usually based on the seriousness of a crime and the background of an offender: The more serious the crime and the more extensive the offender’s criminal background, the longer the prison term recommended by the guidelines.” (Segel & Senna 2006). These guidelines were designed to eliminate judicial discretion and get tough on crime.…
‘Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.’…
Clearly there are several issues of Mandatory Minimum sentences. Moreover, there is evidence that says it decreases drug possession and violence, federal judges can argue otherwise. Often, innocent people go to jail for harmless acts for an unreasonable amount of time in jail, for a one time use or a non-violent act of drug use. If federal court systems continue laws of Mandatory Minimum sentences, they need to question and use evidence to support whether the individual is really guilty or innocent.…
It is not the same thing as providing risky but proven medical treatments, which is done for patients. Medical experimentation is done to test subjects in order to further science. The experimenters may hope to help the subjects, but since the procedures are, by definition, not fully tested, they also have potential to cause great suffering and harm. Another form of controversial research testing is animal testing. There are many pros to animal testing. Sometimes it will put an animal through lots of pain, but it can save human lives. Scientists will inject a lab animal with a virus like AIDS or cancer, then try to cure them and if it works, they will have developed a new cure for whatever it was that the animal was injected with. Animal testing can not only save the live of humans, but other animals too. If we did not have medical animal many lives would be lost. Animal testing plays a large role in trying to find cures for certain diseases. Animal testing plays a large role in today's economy and if we did not have it many people would lose their jobs, and lives. There are also many cons to animal testing. Some are very sad, but it happens anyway. Sometimes it is like wasting the life of an animal. If the animal won't take up the virus they will kill it just to get rid of it. The people doing this are wasting animal lives, and even if the animal does take up the virus if the people's cure does not work the animal will still die. Some scholars have used Frankenstein as a central piece in their argument against the development of cloning technology. Others argue that the problem was not with Victor Frankenstein's scientific methods, but with his responses to his creation; that we should develop cloning technology, but use it wisely. Scientific research and advancement must be approached with a level of caution, responsibility, morals, and…
Rough Draft Fifty-five years without possibility of parole. That is what Weldon Angelos is facing for selling a total of $350 worth of marijuana, and carrying a firearm; even though, he has no criminal history and never fired the gun. This is all due to laws called mandatory minimum sentences (MMS); which are sentences that are determined by the weight of the drugs or the presence of a firearm during a felony offense. They are called mandatory because judges are forced to impose these sentences based solely on the amount of drug present without any leniency. The mandatory minimum prison sentences are a controversial way to fight the “War on Drugs” that have a conflicted history and have drastically increased prison populations and costs.…
An appellate court is a court that takes initial trial decisions into review upon the outcome being seen as unconstitutional by either the defendant or the government. Congressional act of 1789 Created a supreme court, appoint 6 justices and establish a lower federal court system. Various acts of congress have changed the number of seats in the supreme court over the years. the lowest amounts between 5-6 and the highest 10. In fact after the civil war the seats were fixed to nine, that's 1 chief justice and 8 associate justices of the United states of America.…
Court, Trials, and Sentencing: Due Process is a documentary explaining the court system within the criminal justice system. The American legal system is adversarial with two parties, the defense and the prosecution, working to prove to the jury their side is right. Overall the process of going through the court system is long and drawn out in order to make sure the person is guilty. From the initial charging to sentencing and appealing, there are a lot of steps the defendant needs to go through. This can be beneficial to the accused because it makes sure that they are guilty, but it also puts a burden on the community because of the time and money that needs to be spent on each individual case.…
is one of the sole purposes of the Supreme Court of the United States. Many…
The Second Chance Act has taken initiative by acknowledging there are significant social problems such as offenders returning to their perspective communities without being afforded the same opportunities such as education, employment training, and housing in order to sustain a productive life. Additionally, those individuals arrive in their community with multiple disadvantages: drug and alcohol dependence, mental illness, inadequate or outdated job skills and limited educational attainment. Offenders also arrive in their community with criminal labels that limit their ability to secure housing, treatment services, and employment.…
Although some people believe that the reason of deaths resulting in this method is not enough for it to be eliminated, we still must remember that a ‘few’ deaths can turn into many. The Food and Drug Administration reports that 92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans. As you can see, this practice is already stirring up trouble. What is to happen if people die? Many businesses will be shut down, and many will lose their jobs. Harm is not all the havoc this brutal practice is causing, but it is also a…
According to the article “Many Kids Called Unfit for Adult Trial,” 200,000 juveniles a year are being tried as adults in the United States. They are sentenced to life in prison and even the death penalty. But is that what is really best for them? Putting these teenagers in prison for life gives them no chance to change their lives around and learn from what they’ve done. I strongly believe that adolescents should not be sentences as adults but still deserve a huge punishment.…
The justice system in America on multiple occasions has shown how unfair it is. Police brutality towards minorities is at an ultimate high and no officers are being held responsible for their actions. Many people who are incarcerated did not actually commit the crime but cannot be cleared for years because of all the other prisoners with them. People who are better off financially are able to get easier sentences while having special treatment from the justice system. These reasons support my statement of the justice system in America being unfair.…