In the article, “Latino Immigrant Acculturation and Crime,” written by Lorna L. Alvarez-Rivera, Matt R. Nobles, and Kim N. Lersch, the authors exposed that the rapid increase in the Hispanic population established the Latino immigrant acculturation in the American lifestyle, generating a more crime-related problem rather than less. Today, the Hispanic people represent for over 14% of the United States population, becoming the “fast growing minority group” in our country (Alvarez-Rivera, Nobles, and Lersch, 2013). As a result of the increasing population, it’s inevitable that the United States government create new policy challenges to comprised the new diversified community. The Latino immigrants have been classified as outsiders in popular media, assumed as crime-related risk. Recently, Presidential candidate, Donald Trump was under attack for labelling the Hispanic people as criminals, drug users and rapists. However, there’s little research on Latinos portraying and engaging in “patterns of criminality” since…