It is a form of energy, and energy produces power. In this case, power is the base unit of energy that keeps society moving, whether it be through powering business statistics, driving stocks, and even providing the public with a steady supply of products for their consumption. With this, we can understand that without business, society as we know it would inherently fall. The internet is the primary source that drives productivity in the heart of business. How will the loss of net neutrality effect this? In the period of common man, pure neutrality means the Internet which allows everyone to communicate independently. This means that a service provider should be allowed access to all the content and applications, regardless of source and no website or page block, unless they are unlawful. It's like a fixed telephone line, which is equal to all and no one decides who you say or what you say. Another aspect of pure neutrality is the level of field on the Internet. The speed of internet for a particular site or service will change the face of the Internet, as we know it. It will force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to charge companies like YouTube or Netflix because they consume more bandwidth and ultimately the additional amount will be pushed to consumers. Eliminating net neutrality would not only decrease cut down on business possibilities within internet companies and businesses, but also drop the number of internet users immensely. Limiting the number of users within the internet as a whole will precedingly drop the amount of activity and relevance among particular websites, small businesses, and companies. How does this produce a more adequate standard in competition? This leaves the smaller, less relevant companies to be dead in the water alongside massive companies like YouTube or Amazon. Allowing for paid bandwidth and
It is a form of energy, and energy produces power. In this case, power is the base unit of energy that keeps society moving, whether it be through powering business statistics, driving stocks, and even providing the public with a steady supply of products for their consumption. With this, we can understand that without business, society as we know it would inherently fall. The internet is the primary source that drives productivity in the heart of business. How will the loss of net neutrality effect this? In the period of common man, pure neutrality means the Internet which allows everyone to communicate independently. This means that a service provider should be allowed access to all the content and applications, regardless of source and no website or page block, unless they are unlawful. It's like a fixed telephone line, which is equal to all and no one decides who you say or what you say. Another aspect of pure neutrality is the level of field on the Internet. The speed of internet for a particular site or service will change the face of the Internet, as we know it. It will force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to charge companies like YouTube or Netflix because they consume more bandwidth and ultimately the additional amount will be pushed to consumers. Eliminating net neutrality would not only decrease cut down on business possibilities within internet companies and businesses, but also drop the number of internet users immensely. Limiting the number of users within the internet as a whole will precedingly drop the amount of activity and relevance among particular websites, small businesses, and companies. How does this produce a more adequate standard in competition? This leaves the smaller, less relevant companies to be dead in the water alongside massive companies like YouTube or Amazon. Allowing for paid bandwidth and