Sex-stereotyping is when employers are forbidden to discriminate against an employee because they do not act upon their specific gender role expectation. This means that an employer cannot discriminate against a male of female just because that male of female does not act the way that employer feels that gender should. For example, there is a male in the office who may seem to act a bit feminine in the workplace, whether they are homosexual or not, the supervisor is not allowed to discriminate against them or treat that employee harshly. Another example is “tomboys” in the workplace. Certain persons of one gender not acting as society feels one of those genders should act or dress is something that is seen more often nowadays than in the past. This is important that employers do not discriminate against these persons because it is against the law and also more importantly does not interfere with the employee’s work…
Date: To: For: From: Subject: April 11, 2013 Jay Jenlink, Regional Vice President Securities Licensing Recruits Joshua Conaway, Sales Representative Getting Licensed to Increase Business with Primerica…
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was created by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but its assignment has been shaped by more than this one single piece of legislation. Abundant laws and amendments, and a handful of executive orders, have extended, limited or directed the Commission's tasks and power. Even though the EEOC was created in 1964, there were a couple of changes before then. For example, in June 1941, on the eve of World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 8802 prohibiting government contractors from appealing in employment discrimination based on race, color or national origin. This order is the first presidential action ever taken to avoid employment discrimination by private employers holding government contracts.…
A primary school for children aged between 5 and 7 years provides education for all children. A non private primary school is a statutory setting witch means that it has been past by law by parliament, this means they have pasted a law to say that the service either must or can be provided by them. Primary school setting must follow the national curriculum witch is what the school must teach the children literacy, numeracy, and science this is what the school should provide for the children on top of other subjects for 5 – 7 year olds the statutory subjects that all pupils must study are art and design, design and technology, geography, history, information and communication technology, music and physical education. Religious education must also be provided at key stages 1 and 2. All statutory setting must provide high quality…
Paralegals have been around since the early seventies and the debate whether paralegals should be regulated has been around just as long. Paralegals assist attorneys in various legal capacities including drafting documents, conducting factual and legal research and working with clients. Although many paralegals can do much of the same work as lawyers, they may not practice law or give legal advice to clients.…
Consumer concerns have increased over the past few years because of the dramatic changes in health care information and its’ delivery (Benfield, Ashkanazi, Rozensky 2006). Each day patients put their physical health and trust in the hands of health care providers. Unfortunately, there have been times when the treatment provided, whether accidental or intentional, has caused harm to the patient. Patients who have experienced injury have the right to lodge a complaint against that provider. Included in the possible reasons for civil complaints is the sharing of personal information, negligence, or assault. These injuries are considered civil wrongs and are covered under Tort Law. In recent years, with the advances in technology, patient privacy has become imperative. In order to protect patient privacy the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 was enacted, and is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, regulated by the Office of Civil Rights. Health care providers must take care to protect the privacy of their patients at all times. HIPAA regulations provide a guideline to help protect not only the patient, but also employees, from divulgence of their personal information to non-involved third parties.…
Being exposed to second hand smoke from burning tobacco products causes disease and early death among nonsmokers. Public policies help to make and enforce new laws that are beneficial to the public, for instance, smoke free laws that prohibit smoking in public places like bars and restaurants to help improve the health of workers and the general population, there for saving lives by sparing non-smokers from breathing in the second-hand smoke. Smoking does not just harm the smoker it also harms people nearby, who breathe in the smoke. Tobacco smoke can cause cancer, strokes and heart disease and public policies makes us aware, cigarette smokers and tobacco companies in check.…
At what age is an individual classed as a minor and how does this differ nationally?…
The Equal Pay Act law makes it illegal to pay different wages to men and women if they perform equal work in the same workplace. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit (EEOC, 2014) The Age Discrimination law protects people who are 40 or older from discrimination because of age. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit (EEOC, 2014). The Civil Rights law makes it illegal to discriminate against someone on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained…
David A. Thom, M. A. (2004, July). Measuring Patients ' Trust In Physicians When Assessing Quality of Care. Retrieved from Health Affairs:…
These are working time regulations such as maximum hours worked each week. Health and safety at work act, data protection showing how personal information are used, age discrimination , disability act, employment act, maternity pay, national minimum wage, equal opportunities.…
The cons of occupational licensing are that it restricts entry and limits competition in a certain profession. It is very costly to obtain some licenses and not everyone can afford it. It also limits the consumer’s choice and deprives the poor of adequate service. The employer is required to pay higher wages to the licensee.…
In understanding regulatory agencies the differences between regulation and legislation needs defining. Legislation is the law that has been passed by a voting process and regulation is the responsibility of the regulatory board appointed to enforce laws once the law is passed; it sets forth rules on how the laws are to be implemented and to what degree. In health care the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has the predominant responsibility to enforce legislation that impacts the health and well-being of Americans. Under the umbrella of HHS there are 13 regulatory agencies tasked with setting rules on the enforcement of the legislation passed by lawmakers.…
In California and in almost every other state teens are eager to start driving and are excited to get their driver's license whether it’s to drive to the theaters or go to the store to buy some things, teens want the privilege to drive themselves anywhere at anytime they want, but with the freedom comes responsibility too. Each year they are hundreds of car related accidents which can result in death or serious injuries. Out of those hundreds of accidents most involve young drivers around the ages of 15 and 19, because of most accidents are caused or involve a teen or young driver many people believe and would strongly argue that the driving age should be raised but I would strongly argue back that it shouldn’t, it should be kept the way it is but with a little change in…
Stakeholders? The parties involved in occupational health in safety – employers, employees, unions, government, families and broader community, tax-payers, health and safety professionals…