More problematic is that the basic forms of these problems are structurally tied to the nature of independent study and are therefore resistant to change at the administrative levels that are most easily
The students are 1314 years old. The school is urban with 65% African, 30% Hispanic and 5% Caucasian in this class. There students with special needs in the class –3 with ADD, 4 with ADHD.…
Board was encouraging more minority parent involvement in the overall decision making of school policy…
In her article, Nine Powerful Practices, Ruby Payne gives teachers of impoverished, low-income students ideas and intervention techniques to raise student achievement. Her strategies mimic much of the current research on large populations of students who are living in poverty. Her nine strategies are as follows: build relationships of success; make beginning learning relational; teach students to speak in formal register, assess each student’s resources; teach the hidden rules of school, monitor progress and plan interventions; translate the concrete into abstract; teach students how to ask questions; and forge relationships with…
During this quarter, I got an opportunity to become a math tutor for 7th grade students at KIPP Adelante Preparatory Academy. This middle school is located at downtown San Diego, it is opposite to a superior court where always have few polices walk around this area and enclosed few apartments which is a pretty safe and quiet area. I found that it is rarely to see a white people in KIPP; Although most of the students in KIPP are from low income family, I felt like I was always energetic when I entered KIPP since most of the students are always happy, active and brisk. The classrooms in KIPP are conducive to learning because there have lots of test paper with 90 scores or up pasted around the wall, and also lots of posters about math too. Each…
This paper includes a reference list of literature relating to the impact socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity has on academic achievement and what can be done to combat the achievement gap. In general, the literature seems to indicate that socioeconomic status has a greater impact then race or ethnicity on achievement. However, these constructs are often intertwined. The greatest source for combatting the achievement gap are teachers high in self-efficacy, strong and well directed principal leadership, having a positive and accepting racial climate, smaller class sizes, less harsh discipline with more support to reduce bad behavior, and better communication between parents and the school. Most authors agree, making education more meaningful and purposeful to the students would increase motivation to learn, which would increase success in academics. Almost all authors agree, professional development concentrated in these areas will reduce the achievement gap due to the increased academic success. There seems to be a combination quantitative and qualitative research.…
Should we choose homeschooling as institutional education system to educate children? Homeschooling is an education where the parents are the primary responsibility as the teacher as different as public school (Cambridge Dictionary). Nowadays, there are community of homeschooling that the parents who homeschooled their children can join with such as HSLDA (Homeschooling Legal Defense Agency) in United States and Homeschooling and Alternative Education Association (ASAH PENA) in Indonesia to share their ideal about homeschooling and also can incur the teacher or tutor in their home. There had been many debates about this. They say that homeschooling is isolate the students to socialize with the other student because they just stay and study…
Charter schools are defined as an independent public school that operates independently of the district board of education. While traditional public schools are run by the school district. As the years have progressed charters have become more popular because people believe that they are more child-centered and provide more educational choices for the children. While people who oppose charter schools are against them because of various reasons such as: corrupt boards, segregation within the schools, etc.. Charter schools are said to give families opportunities to pick the school most suitable for their child the question. Families and the public are now more than ever expressing opinions on the education system and what they need for their…
The strategy that was implemented with the kindergarteners at Ridgedale Elementary was to provide adequate practice opportunities in order to supplement the spiral mathematics’ curriculum. The study focused on providing regular review sessions and practice time for a unit based on money, which is a concept that had already been introduced to the students through the regular math curriculum.…
In the United States many students face many problems or terrible conditions in their lives at home, school and in life in general. These problems and conditions can affect students tremendously when it comes to schoolwork or academic success. Many schools nationwide have set up programs or assistance to help these students succeed despite the problem or condition being faced.…
Charter schools are defined by the U.S. Department of Education (as cited in Marshall, Gibbs, Greene, Nelson and Schofield, 2001) as “public schools that are under contract from some public agency” (p. 129). ? Charter schools fit in a niche between private and public schools. They are funded with public money (except for their facilities) and they are an alternative to regular public schools systems. A private group of people can submit and get approved a charter to run their own school. Charter schools receive waivers from public school districts in exchange for promising better academic results. Charters are usually given for 3-5 years, where an eye is kept on academic performance. If academic performance lags behind comparable public schools, then the “charter” is pulled and the school is closed.…
The transition from middle school to high school is a difficult situation for all students, as well as parents. How are you supposed to balance friends, family, work, drama, and extracurricular activities while trying to meet requirements and get accepted to a good college? Choosing to attend the right high school based on your needs will help you achieve these goals. According to a 2009 Great Schools and Harris Interactive Polls, nearly one in four parents are currently considering switching their child’s school. Public schools and Charter schools are different in every way imaginable. There are many factors that determine the differences in schools, such as whether it has sports teams, a large student population, more educational opportunities, public funding, or better test scores. Each type of school has different requirements, opportunities, and reasons they exist.…
Family instability along with poverty effects many students today in America, and it is detrimental that the students that are affected by these aspects of life should be given every opportunity to succeed in life. There are many ways to identify these students so that school faculty can assist each child with a chance to succeed. The Building effective schools program has been designed to assist each student with receiving the things that they are in need of, along with reaching out to their families to allow them to have a different outlook on school and receiving an education. The Building Effective Schools program with also allow social resources to be made available to the students and parents that are within the community so that the students can have a greater chance for success.…
In the 1990s, the first charter school opened in Minnesota. The whole idea behind the school was that it would offer another option to low-income families. However, that is no longer the case with these schools. Mostly rich families go to charter schools. Today the Charter school idea has spread to 41 states, including Colorado. I do not think that charter schools should continue to operate, as there is little evidence that charter schools are better than the public system.…
In the reading material, it is adressed that charter shcools, which students and their parents can choose to go on behalf of regular public school, success in operating diverse, innovative and academic program rather than regular school. However, these 3 advantages of charter schools are doubted in the lecture based on some researches.…
The following manuscript focuses on charter schools and the legislation related to charter schools. A focus will be on policy and the major driving force the policy and how it affects academic achievement across the state. The controversial charter school is one proposed method to provide a better education to students.…