English 101
Jen Heckler
To Use or Not to Use Plastic Grocery Bags an d Plastic Drinking Bottles.
Most people if asked would say that they want to do the correct thing when it comes to their plastic waste. Every day the human race throws out millions of pounds of toxic waste in the form of plastic drink bottles and plastic grocery bags, for the most part, we do not do this maliciously; most people just do not know where to dispose of it other than the wastebaskets especially, when not at home. As a human race, we need to come up with a solution that will not only encourage the recycling of all plastics but also, reward the people that are willing to look for new ideas and products that will work as well if not better than what we use at this time. We need to wake up and start to get serious about recycling our plastic waste a good place to start is in our homes then get involved with the programs in our Cities and Counties. We need to mandate recycling All the while looking into producing different types of plastics like Bio Plastics, so that we can eliminate the use of petroleum-based plastics.
All though am aware, of the pollution that using plastics causes I am just as guilty of using plastic water bottles and grocery bags as others. One of the reasons is that it is very convenient to use them. Many of us have plastic bags in our houses tucked in various places all over I know that I do. We need to take the bags we have back to the store or find a way to recycle them. With billions of plastic bags, and bottles used each year, recycling is essential. The plastic bags that people refer to when talking about the environmental problem are the lightweight disposable bags that are given away by supermarkets, markets, and shops. These are the Lightweight plastic bags, that have been designed for a single use, and are often given away free. So most people just take them home and throw them out in the trash. Instead of
Cited: Deins, Tina. (02/20/2013). Plastic grocery bag pros & cons. E How. Money Retrieved 20 February 2013 www.ehow.com/info_8162166_plastic-grocery-bag-pros-cons.html Dell, Kristina Lowy, J. (2004, July 21). Plastic left holding the bag as environmental plague nations around world look at a ban. Retrieved from http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0721-04.htm03/13/2013 TILTZ Doucette, K. (2011, July 25). The plastic bag wars. Retrieved from http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-plastic-bag-wars-20110725 Caliendo, Heather