It has been used by many cultures throughout history. Stretching is still a practice used today by many people. Each culture has had many uses for stretching, such as tribal status or beauty modifications. Stretching has many pros and cons. Stretching is a beauty modification today, and it helps some people feel like they stand out from society. The cons to stretching are that it can cause many health issues if the procedure is preformed incorrectly. It can scar the ear or cause infections. There are many ways to stretch piercings, but the safest ways are to use the tapering method, dead stretch method, the taping method, the scalpelling method, and the dermal punching method. They ensure that there will be no scar tissue if preformed correctly. There is various facts that an individual must know before stretching, but in the end, the results are worth it if preformed correctly. Stretching can be a beautiful body alteration if people would take the time to learn the facts, and if people understood the time and effort that goes into the
It has been used by many cultures throughout history. Stretching is still a practice used today by many people. Each culture has had many uses for stretching, such as tribal status or beauty modifications. Stretching has many pros and cons. Stretching is a beauty modification today, and it helps some people feel like they stand out from society. The cons to stretching are that it can cause many health issues if the procedure is preformed incorrectly. It can scar the ear or cause infections. There are many ways to stretch piercings, but the safest ways are to use the tapering method, dead stretch method, the taping method, the scalpelling method, and the dermal punching method. They ensure that there will be no scar tissue if preformed correctly. There is various facts that an individual must know before stretching, but in the end, the results are worth it if preformed correctly. Stretching can be a beautiful body alteration if people would take the time to learn the facts, and if people understood the time and effort that goes into the