The United States has the …show more content…
Biomass such as public waste tends to lower the usage of fossil fuel energy during manufacturing stage. Up to 2,000-kcal/ kg to 4,000-kcal/ kg heat energy is used throughout the process. This can be easily compared to other fossil materials like coals that have almost the same heat value. Thus, such waste materials can be used as alternatives to the fossil fuels that are much more cost effective and easily available in market. Moreover, t¬¬he adverse impacts of climate change can be avoided by changing the distribution rates of fossil fuels and, at the same time, generating more alternative energy plans. This can be done in the next 40-50 years. On the basis of figures from the Swedish and French light water reactor programs, one way to achieve this alternative source of energy is expansion of global nuclear power. The historical evidences show that if the nuclear power is built at only per capita rate of these nations while they are expanding nationally, then fossil fuels could be replaced globally in less than a decade.
Solar and wind energies have seen unrelenting growth in the past few years. They broke new records in 2015. While the fossil fuels market crash is demanding downsizing in those industries. Clean energy is receiving twice as much global funding as fossil fuels, with the help of government subsidies alternative energy is exceeding fossil fuels two to one. Out of all the alternative energies,