For all of the great aspects about this era, there are some disadvantageous sides to the argument. One reason it could be a curse is because of the change it made to most of the world's way of life. Before this time most people were born, lived, and died in the same place as everyone else in the surrounding area. The feeling of community was exceptionally strong because everyone was focused on helping one another survive providing food and shelter. No one starved alone. Life was so simple that the sun and seasons measured time. After the Industrial Revolution took place, people moved out of small communities to large, crowded cities and the simple ways of life quickly faded away. Some think this dramatic change brought along many other defective things to the human population, but I have realized it only made for more …show more content…
The causes of this increase are many - better food, better housing, better clothing, better conditions: in fact better health, so that people lived longer.” With industrialization bringing in higher quality food and a lot more of it, people were able to live longer and healthier lives than before. There was time for the people who knew the diseases to start looking for cures and with that came failures and