I clearly have my own experiences with wilderness that I can say a lot about, but those stories could be part of the gap between the pulpit and the congregation because it would be difficult for my congregation to converse with me about wilderness if I spend all of our time telling them about my experience. Delivering this sermon with James as a dialogue gave me the chance to investigate how others experience wilderness, and made for an interesting step toward encouraging others to think and converse about how wilderness effects our lives
I clearly have my own experiences with wilderness that I can say a lot about, but those stories could be part of the gap between the pulpit and the congregation because it would be difficult for my congregation to converse with me about wilderness if I spend all of our time telling them about my experience. Delivering this sermon with James as a dialogue gave me the chance to investigate how others experience wilderness, and made for an interesting step toward encouraging others to think and converse about how wilderness effects our lives