The Catholic church had complete and total control over Rome. Whatever the church said became law. To the common people, the church was their connection to God, and their ticket to heaven. The church had control over their …show more content…
When he began reading the Bible, he quickly found the flaws in the Catholic church’s system. Unlike the rest of the monks, he didn’t turn a blind eye to it. It was constantly in the back of his mind, and God was convicting his heart. He was wrestling with this when he went to Rome to complete his training. What he saw there settled his fight with himself. He saw the Catholic church selling religion, he saw his fellow monks drinking at bars, and visiting prostitutes. This upset him greatly. When he arrived home he began preaching the truth to people. One of the most controversial things that he did when he got back was question the Catholic teaching that Saint Peter was the first Pope, and stated that Jesus was the only divine being. He also preached that God is a loving and forgiving God, not a judgemental and condemning God the Catholic church had created to scare the people into buying indulgences. Catholic church officials heard what Luther was doing, and cautioned him to stop but he wouldn’t. This only made him go harder. He wrote 95 theses statements and nailed them to the doors of the church for everyone to see. He also began to write pamphlets and books in german for the commoners to read and hear the truth. The people started to learn the truth and turn on the church, and the church realized that they had to silence Martin Luther. When Martin Luther heard that the church was …show more content…
People began researching and connecting with God the way that they were intended to. The Bible was translated into the language of the commoners and the truth spread like wildfire. People began to start new churches and different religions were created. Today, as SDA’s, we look back at the protestant reformation as something that happened a long time ago. We don’t pay enough attention to it. This event is where our religion came from. We are here today because Martin Luther answered God’s call to justice. God protected him from the Catholic church and Luther spread God’s truths to the people. We are here today because God wanted us here. We are descendants of champions for God. It is time to answer our call from the Lord and build our legacy as Champions for Christ in this Godless world. How will we leave our