Unga Group Limited - Unga Group is a flour milling company in Kenya. Unga is headquartered in Nairobi with flour mills in Eldoret, Nakuru and Mombasa and is listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. The company was founded in the early 1900s. Its name is abbreviated to UGL. It is categorized as a company deals with Functional Publics as they are those publics which enable the organization to perform its chosen tasks.
Kenya Electricity Generating Company – Abbreviated as KENGEN is a state-owned company and the largest power producing company in Kenya producing about 80% of the electricity consumed in the country. The comp The Company was founded in 1998 when it was separated from the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC). The KenGen shares are also listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange since 2006. KenGen, owns fourteen hydropower stations with a combined capacity of 615.3 MW, three thermal power plants of 147 MW, two Geothermal power plants of 115 MW and one wind farm of 5.1 MW resulting a total installed capacity of 882.4 MW. Categorised as Functional Publics, sinse they are those publics which enable the organization to perform its chosen tasks. Such as supplying electricity. Royal Media Services - Royal Media Services is a radio and TV group founded in 1999 by. The group operates nationwide radio and TV services in English and Kiswahili under the Citizen brand .It also operates several local language radio stations. These are very popular with their mainly rural target audiences. According to the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK), Royal Media Services owns a total of 62 FM frequencies, of which it uses 42. That makes it Kenya’s most prolific broadcaster, surpassing KBC, which broadcasts on just 30 frequencies. According to Wragg, it can be categorized as, Diffused Publics, witch is stated clearly as a group are media