The puritans wanted to make their own religion (Collier, James Lincoln, and Christopher Collier. Chapter1. Pilgrims and Puritans. Tarrytown: Benchmark, 1998. 15. Print. The Drama of American History). The kings were persecuting the puritans. The puritans wanted to change the rules for the way the church that the king has for every one they were the smartest so the king always depended on them. Then one day the puritans wanted to change the rules for the king and so the king did not want them to change his rules of the church. The king did not want the puritans telling him what to do so he just persecuted them. The puritans got tired of being persecuted so they decided to go …show more content…
Chapter1. Pilgrims and Puritans. Tarrytown: Benchmark, 1998. 13. Print. The Drama of American History). First of all the puritans created society because they were smart they knew all of it so they created schools along with businesses. The first university they created was Harvard university yup we should all know that but did you know that they created Harvard that’s a really hard to get into. They created businesses when you have a business you have to be smart with money so when you have your business it won’t go down to waist. They would do anything when ever and they had good count of money that’s how the smart people do