We all have our own personal lifestyle and our own cultures, that define us more …show more content…
The Model reflects a concept of people being represented on a wide range at various levels. In order for nurses to be effective of taking care of a patient the must be knowledgeable of the clients total background. “Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of meanings of health and illness in the context of culture is crucial to developing culturally competent nursing care.” (Purnell & Paulanka, 2005) It’s a strong need for healthcare professionals to be culturally competent in order to provide optimum health care to patients as well as their families. Major influences on a person’s culture is their take on their health beliefs, behaviors, activities and medical treatment outcomes. Because of the significant influence of culture upon health and related outcomes, health care professionals should be culturally competent in order to provide health care to patients at optimum care. Purnell’s Model intertwines all of the factors of a client’s life to bring them full circle in knowing a client and being competent and aware of the client’s …show more content…
The consistant use of this model over a span of time will determine the value and if its significant enough to keep using it. I feel this model can be useful in the healthcare industry and the professionals that use it, in the future. There should probably be a need for this model to be more clearly explored on how each health profession can use the model and implement its concepts and apply it into practice. The Purnell model, in my opinion uses important domains and factors that interweave as it does in reality. Through further, and future testing and application of this model this model may in fact be a model that can address Cultural competence.
There is a need for healthcare to be accessible for Latinos and other groups with these same health disparities to promote health and well-being. With this health care access, people of many cultures can experience less morbidity as a result of being able to experience medical treatment, and receive a better quality of care. Everyone should have access to being able to extend his or her life or to preserve it with adequate health care. “A culturally sensitive health care system is one that is not only accessible, but also respects the beliefs, attitudes, and cultural lifestyles of its patients" (Patcher,