By Baili78 Abstract
To maintain and improve meeting quality, we can use a tool called meeting evaluation. There are various methods to evaluate a meeting. One should select a right method to evaluate the meeting based on the specific situation of the meeting. And I suggest an integrated evaluation including short term and long term evaluation.
People to a certain extent have negative attitudes about meetings. Humorist John Cleese (1993) used “Meetings, Bloody Meetings” as title of his educational (but humorous) videotape on the subject. DeWine (2001) wrote that meetings are “usually thought of as time wasters.” Scott Snair (2003) even wrote a book titled “Stop the meeting, I want to get off” to express his extreme hate about meaningless and terrible meetings and discuss managerial methods with no meetings.
But meetings do have values in every organization. We need meetings for the reasons below:
1. To announce organizational changes and keep employees up to date
2. To produce solutions and to increase the number of different solutions to organizational problems
3. To gain “buy in” or acceptance of a decision through participation
4. To “cultivate members as individuals” and create group cohesion (Dewine, 2001)
So we have to do something to improve the meetings we hold to become performance enhancers but not time-wasters, and one of the most effective ways to improve meetings is meetings evaluation. In this paper I will present you opinions of three famous authors about why and how to implement meetings evaluation, and also my position about this subject.
Opinions of author No.1
Homer Smith (1983) argues in an article “Make meeting evaluation more than a ‘happiness check’” that “meeting planners, like space age scientists, can use a valuable tool called feedback to keep themselves on target.” He believes that the professional meeting planner in "ground control ' can use
References: Cleese, J. (1993). Meetings, Bloody Meetings [Motion Picture]. (Available from Video Arts Limited, Chicago) Dewine, S. (2001). The Consultant 's Craft: Improving Organizational Communication. : Bedford/St. Martin 's. Mina, Eli (2002). The Ten Key Ingredients of a Successful Meeting. In The Business Meetings Sourcebook (1 ed., pp. 225-248). New York: American Management Association. Mina, Eli (2002). Postmeeting Activities. In The Business Meetings Sourcebook (1 ed., pp. 524-533). New York: American Management Association. Smith, H. (1983). Make meeting evaluation more than a 'happiness check '. Sales & Marketing Management, 131, 102. Snair, S. (2003). Stop the Meeting I Want to Get Off!: How to Eliminate Endless Meetings While Improving Your Team 's Communication, Productivity, and Effectiveness (1 ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Streibel , B. J. (2003). Closing the Meeting and Following Up. In The Manager 's Guide to Effective Meetings (pp. 93-102). Chicago: McGraw-Hill.