The government was created to maintain peace and order among citizens. By giving people the ability to choose their leaders is what differentiates a democracy from other kinds of government. According to congressman Clyburn, “The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government… It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot. It is a republic because the government derives its power from the people.” ("Our American Government."). In order to avoid dissatisfaction from the people, the United States government is set up to give power to the people. Political parties unify groups of citizens to develop policies that are favorable to that specific group, they support those policy makers and persuade other voters to vote for them; in order to achieve control of the government from the citizens perspective ("The Functions of Political Parties."). Political parties are part of our government system in order to give power to the people who they will potentially lead, which is why voters must be well informed in order to make a choice that is truly convenient for them as individuals and their country in general. In an ideal government, political parties aid in achieving democracy in the united states by giving them the power of …show more content…
While politicians are busy trying to gain supporters with irrelevant comments, real problems are left unattended. “There are more black men that are in prison today than were enslaved in 1850 and more total people in prison than there were in Stalin’s gulags at their largest. - on the drug war” (Beauchamp). The comparison to past issues that drawed attention make the drug war more relevant since many are being affected and politicians are not doing anything to change it. Clinton was the only candidate that promises to do something about sexual assault, a popular issue in college campuses (Bialik). The fact that sexual assault as a widespread problem and only one candidate mentioned it in their platform, demonstrates how politicians prefer to focus on irrelevant issues to attract uneducated voters attention, rather than focus on the real purpose of politics. While most candidates focus on drawing attention instead of solving real problems, the real purpose of politics is distorted, putting problems on hold and citizens at