Pulling elements of the essentialist classroom, students would be required to take core classes like math, science, English, and history. They would learn all the essential information needed to understand the world around them. This is important because, although things are always changing, it is important to stay connected with history and understand the scientific and mathematical developments that help shape our society. However, student interest is also incredibly important. Incorporating elements of the progressivist classroom, students would be allowed to participate in elective courses like art, music, woodworking, cooking, and much more. This would give students the opportunity to nurture other interests and discover new things they never imagined. It is important, as educators, to realize that every student is different. There are many students who excel in core classes such as math and science, however, there are also many students who fall behind in those areas for lack of interest. It is important to provide other types of classes so students have the option to explore their interests and can stay excited about …show more content…
The student should, as in an essentialist classroom, be attentive and listen to the lesson the teacher is giving. However, as in a progressivist classroom, the students should be a participant in the learning that is taking place. They should be encouraged to have opinions, questions, and concerns. They should be encouraged to think outside the box. The classroom should be a place of exploration and excitement. When teaching consists only of the teacher lecturing all period, there is a lot of discussion and deeper understanding that is being lost. While it is important to have an initial lecture to introduce the information, there should also be time for students to critically think about what they are learning and ask questions so they may develop a deeper understanding of the subject. Student involvement in the classroom will help open their minds to new ways of thinking while also allowing them to have their own opinions and discuss