Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage are the seven basic values of the army. JROTC helped me grow as a person and let me interact with people that I would have never interacted with before. I developed social skills and a good work ethic during my time in the JROTC. Over 50% of students in high school were in the program. I helped over a 100 students with basic army movements and discipline skills. A lot of students didn’t care much if they were good at what I was teaching them. That didn’t stop me from forcing them to repeat basic army movements for an hour each day. I taught them repetition and discipline. The more and more people I helped, the more people saw me as dependable. My instructor gave me more responsibilities and tasks to do as he saw me improving. JROTC helped me meet the friends that I still have to this day. If I did not join the program I wouldn’t have become who I am today. I used to be an introvert and kept to myself at all times. I rarely finished assignments or even started working on them. I never participated in any extracurricular activities. I was just a super lazy…