October 5, 2013
Old World New World
The question of creation can be a very long conversation, mainly because there are many other topics of evidence that can be used to back up your theories. Although it depends greatly on who is in the conversation with you and what their worldview is. Also it would rely on how the Bible will be interpreted, either by a scientific belief of the created order, or how we as Christians interpret the Bible. There are some questions that form outside the church like, "Why do the planets orbit the sun?", or "Why is there life on earth?" - I believe there is an answer in the Bible for the scientists or other people that ask those kinds of questions. Now I'm sure it is common sense that everyone knows a good bit about the heavens and the earth and of the stars. Also about other ingredients such as; how many planets there are and their order, all the different trees, types of rocks, etc. So if an instructor were to take the "old world" opinion, he should be sure to do all his research thoroughly. If he is careless, then the wiser instructors will be put to shame. With my past experiences it is less stressful to say that you have no idea how old the earth is rather than to teach lies where you will dig yourself a hole. The challenge now for me is to try to explain the truth-the Word of God to those individuals who question Creation. I know that in order to fully understand what God has in mind for us I need to do my homework and complete research in order to teach others. Most of the time I think about how He has given us all this intelligence for us to analyze and share with others. Having said that, I cannot imagine what is going through a non-believer's mind or their thought process when they are hearing scripture. To them it seems like complete twaddle, and I can understand that. Trying to change or convince a middle aged human being on their particular view on the world or scripture, is no easy schedule. If we,