In the first paragraph, Peattie uses organization and selection of detail to convey a sense of calmness. Organizationally, Peattie achieves this calmness by using ellipses to break up the first sentence. “After sunset… I walked out into the desert…” (Peattie 5). The sense of calmness becomes even more evident because the character believes that he “was the only thing abroad” (Peattie 5). However, this calmness gets interrupted. “Abruptly I stopped short” (Peattie 5). The length of this sentence, compared to the other sentences in the paragraph, conveys a sudden sense of urgency and panic. Where the sentences had been long and drawn out, this sentence is short and choppy. This correlates with the thought process of a panicked person.
Peattie’s language displays the snake as an intelligent, dangerous creature. “It was a rattlesnake - and knew it” (Peattie 5). Because of its intelligence, the snake knows how lethal its bite is. This knowledge grants the snake power; and those with power do not move for anyone. “the rattler felt no necessity of getting out of anybody’s path” (Peattie 5). The character attempts to kill the snake and the snake feels that that character “had made an unprovoked attack, attempted to take his life” (Peattie 5). Because of this unprovoked attack on its life, the snake feels that he must kill the character. “he would have no choice but to take mine if he could” (Peattie 5). This sense of justice further displays the snake’s intelligence. After the character kills the snake, the snake still attempts to kill the man. “some mechanical reflex made his jaws gape and snap