Behavior is a function of a continuous, multidirectional interaction between the person and the situation.
The situation consists of the environment the person operates in, and it can include things like the organization, the work group, personal life situation, job characteristics, and many other environmental influences.
The ability to understand behavior is a prerequisite for effectively managing an organization. But to fully understand behavior at both the organizational and individual levels, one must use the science of behavior analysis.
Human behavior in organizations is complex and often difficult to understand. People vary in many characteristics, including cognitive, affective, motivational, and skill factors, which are changed by situations and change situations. Individuals are unique in terms of their skills, abilities, personalities, perceptions, attitudes, values, and ethics. Individual differences represent the essence of the challenge of management. A complete understanding of organizational behavior requires both an understanding of human behavior and an understanding of the organizational context within which human behavior is acted out.
The fact that human beings make up a vital part of any organization is no secret. Indeed, organizational behavior provides a challenge. Much has been learned, and much more remains to be learned. The future portends even more change, even more challenges, even more complexity. Behavioral study provides performance feedback and insight into why employees behave a certain way and their informal social interactions.
Organizations are open systems consisting of people, technology, structure, and purpose, which interact with elements in the organization’s environment. They face innumerable challenges on several fronts in their efforts to remain competitive. The correct application of organizational behavior, besides being interesting and