World War I, also known as The Great War, was an international conflict lasting from 1914 to 1918. The driving force that led nations to war was imperialism. It was fought between the Central Powers (consisting mainly of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey) and the Allied Powers (consisting mainly of France, Great Britain, Italy, Russia, Serbia, the United States, and Japan).
The United States maintained neutrality in the conflict until 1917, when war on Germany was officially declared. American military and economic contributions to the Allied war effort helped to turn the course of the war and eventually led to the defeat of the Central Powers.
Write an essay that discusses…
Two reasons why the U.S. entered WWI.
How did the U.S contribute to the Allied cause BEFORE and AFTER it entered the war?
Before writing your essay, study the documents that follow and answer the scaffolding questions about them. Then use the information in your document answers to help you write the essay. You will be graded as follows:
Document/scaffolding questions 10 points
Use of all documents 10 points
Introduction 5 points
Conclusion 5 points
Essay (content & question addressed) 20 points
DIRECTIONS: Using the information contained in the documents and your knowledge of social studies, answer the questions that follow each document. Your answers will help you write your essay (see TASK on front cover).
1. What was the purpose of the notice from the Imperial German Embassy?
2. What effect do you think that the incident described in the NY Times might have had on American public opinion about involvement in the war?
DOCUMENT 2 - Cartoon in response to German U-boat attacks on American ships at sea (1917).
3. What is President Wilson doing in the cartoon above?
4. What is the reason for his actions in