Moreover, professor Nye argues that there realizes a “Power Transition”, which is the change of power between the states, which it is a largely from West to East. Another one is the “diffusion of power”, which is the movement of power far away from states or governments to non-governmental actors. With the new information and communication technologies, the governments have less control …show more content…
For the citizens of the United States there exists the belief of that the 21st century has turned in the Chinese century or which China has overcome the United States in the power, Nye though this fact is false, since The United States continues being the first world power, both in regarding of their military as economic power. Joseph Nye explains in many of the new areas (nanotechnology or biotechnology) the United States is at the forefront. And about the entrepreneurial spirit in this country, most of the entrepreneurship surveys classify the United States as the number …show more content…
The country affronts serious challenges. It remains a “monoculture economy” since two-thirds of its exports are limited to energy. And his population is decreasing. During the last decade, the main Russian priority in cultural policy has been it of adapting to the new times, evolving from a centralized system model and based on the state government to a more modern structure, adapted to the 21st century. In an attempt to shape this change, the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communication set the main strategic objectives in the cultural field, especially emphasizing the development of new