Refugee Services of Texas Austin (RST) is a not-for-profit social services agency that provides services to newly arrived refugees, asylees, parolees, survivors of human trafficking and any other expatriate escaping persecution appertaining to race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, and/or political opinion. Since its initiation in 2003 in Austin, TX, RST has provided resettlement services to over 15,000 refugees. RST is funded by both state and national partners and includes former refugees on its staff, who collectively speak over 16 languages appropriate for this program. The agency allies with organizations in the local community, public and private groups, as well as faith-based entities to augment and strengthen…
The world has not learned from the events of the Holocaust because places are hesitant to help them, people are dyeing, and there running out of resources. From 1933 to 1945 during World War 2, about 5 million of the Jews in Europe lost their lives to Hitler’s ruling. The world waited to take action to help the jews because we did not know about the concentration camps. Now, in 2015, the world is still waiting to take action and repeating the same mistakes 70 years later in Syria.…
One of the obvious reasons to accept these refugees is out of pure generosity. We’d essentially be saving their lives and giving them a chance to succeed and thrive in a free and safe nation.…
I agree with President Obama to bring more refugees into the united states.I think it is safe.I also agree people are fighting for safety for their family and themselves , and being declined.…
I believe the U.S. should accept more refugees to connect races, stop their fear of persecution, religion, political opinions. Most americans agree with U.S. help for refugees and also we can decrease disgraceful thing in America history. Refugees do not come on a whim, they come because they have situations that force them to come. In recent years, a lot of refuges have to leave Syria because of civil wars, persecutions and much violence. In this arduous situation, the other countries had to make a decision to accept or not in the country. US candidates do not agree with the argument of refugees. Donald Trump does not want the refugees to migrate to the country because they cause violence, while Hillary Clinton is willing to give them a place…
The refugees are more likely to have the common support in our community because of the misconceptions about homeless people being associated with drugs and other personal consequences. Refugees were once a group of human beings who were free and had rights like everybody else until they were stripped away from them, which leads us to sympathize with refugees more than with homeless people who probably ended up in such a situation because of drug abuse, disregarding their education and etc;. Also, there are organizations and charities (that includes soup kitchens and shelters) which have been built to help the homeless in Canada, but refugees do not have that opportunity unless the government do something about them and help them start anew…
The Syrian Refugee Crisis is certainly a hot-button issue today. It has been the subject of major political debate in the last federal election, with many criticising the Conservative Government for its slow speed, lack of commitment, and alleged cherry-picking attitude towards refugee resettlement. The Liberal Party, meanwhile, capitalized on the emotional atmosphere following the release of the photograph of the Syrian child, Alan Kurdi, dead on a Turkish beach; they pledged to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by the end of 2015 if elected (Levitz 2016). Comments have been made by figures from both sides of the political spectrum, some deeply emotion while others racists or prejudiced. The public has raised numerous fears, both rational and irrational, of terrorism, burdens on the welfare system, and a rise in cultural and racial tensions. Even the American Senate got involved, with senators claiming that terrorists would enter Canada as refugees then infiltrate the United States, a claim that has later been debunked (Panetta 2016).…
A refugee is a person who leaves his or her country due to a well-founded fear of persecution because of his or her race, religion, nationality, political views, or membership in a particular social group. Once a host country accepts an asylum seeker to become a refugee, the host county has a moral obligation to ease the transition from a refugee to a fully participating citizen. This may include subsidized housing, job training, and other financial and social services. This is good for the incoming refugee and good for the economy of the host country. Refugees deserve to be supported financially.…
America should take these refugees in because people should not needlessly suffer when aid could be provided. If someone in America would be placed in a refugee's shoes for one day and had to live in fear of staying alive and not knowing if those they loved were still alive, then most Americans would be more than happy to help. Refugees would also receive aid to find a job, have access to a language education in America, which would be a better alternative compared to camps in…
Understanding that they are trying to come to a safe place, but we do not know what to expect. What if they are terrorist in hiding? Shouldn’t our own well-being be the first thing protected before theirs? Coming here, they would get free food and shelter, even some would get benefits. What’s the plan when all the chaos ends in their country? Not all will leave our home. They know it would be too good here and not want to pass up what we have to offer. The benefits that we could provide to our homeless would be taken. Why don’t we focus on our people? If we can give 10,000 refugees food and a place to stay, then why can’t we do that for our own people? That would be a quarter of the homeless veterans who well deserve it. A safe place could be built for a place for the refugees provide with the essentials to stay until everything…
Arizaga, Elizabeth. "Why Immigrants Come to United States of America." Online Posting. 17 Nov 2006.…
Immigration has had many effects on America, but has left a profound and every lasting effect on America's economy. Immigration has left positive imprints all over America's economy and still is to this day. However those imprints are commonly overlooked. Immigrants help in stimulating America's economy, displacing our unemployed working age Native born, and creating jobs.…
population. The purpose of my research is to inform my readers about advantages, disadvantages, problems and solutions that we see upon immigrants today.…
The United States with having so several problems of its own, we actually should not be taking any additional concerns on at this time. The United States is a country of controversy right now with all the gun attacks and shootings involving police officers, Americans do not feel safe and secure in their own homes. As a country, we need to take care of our own before starting to take on the influx of taking care of 10,000 refugees from Syria. The United States is known as a country to take in all who need to seek asylum from other countries, and to always help our allies in times of crisis, however, there comes a time when you need to put your own country first. I believe that it is time our country starts to help our own refugees, called the homeless, before spending millions of dollars on foreign refugees.…
The unsanitary and cramped camps that they are currently staying in in neighboring countries, when compared to the violence the Syrians faced back in their country, are the lesser of two evils. Yes, millions of refugees need better conditions to live in until their country is safe, but, now, America is not the right place for those refugees to be. ISIS, which has most its members in Syria, causes a security concern far too great for the U.S. to ignore, the economy is not strong enough to support a mass influx of refugees, high social tensions would create problems, and the lack of monetary resources could leave America unable to provide for the refugee’s…