Velasquez et al. (1987) found that the meaning of ethics can be identified as two things. Firstly, the ethics concept which distinguish actions are right or wrong, prescribes what people should do that promotes rightness, fairness, virtues, honesty, compassion and loyalty and also, that provides benefits to society. In contrary, there are penalties for people who commit an offence, which harm others and society. Secondly, ethics refers to the experience and development of people’s personal identity or a group’s standards such as feelings, social norms, moral beliefs and laws that they must ensure compliance to in reasonably judging the direction of decisions.
As mentioned earlier, that the concept of ethics is significant in the corporate world. This can be evidenced by the code of ethics and conduct that companies integrate in t business plans. Lawrences and Weber (2007) show that, any business that performs a good ethical behaviour is likely to succeed. Basically, there are many reasons for promoting business ethics. Firstly, it encourages consumers to interact more with the business as well as