The Relationship Between Technology and Religion
Scholars have often debated the relationship between technology and religion. Recently, however, a paper written by Genevieve Bell, titled No More SMS from Jesus: Ubicomp, religion and techno-spiritual practices, catalyzed the research in this area. In it, Bell gives an informative analysis regarding the interaction between technology and religion, as well as a compelling argument regarding how ubiquitous computing (and technological design in general) does not account for the common religious and cultural needs, and thus, will have to begin incorporating it into its design (Bell 2006). In this paper, I will formulate my own opinion regarding Bell’s information as well as his conclusions regarding the relationship between technology and religion. I generally agree with Bell’s conclusions, however, my thesis stresses a more encompassing relationship between the two, that is, that change in technology and religion go hand in hand. However, religion is observed to be a core and resilient element in society, and as a result, more demand must be placed on technological design to account for religious contexts, otherwise technology will shortchange itself. I will do this by analyzing different empirical observations and inferring the above pattern of relationship.
We will begin by synthesising the ideas presented in Bell’s work, and then proceed to contributing our perspective regarding it. Bell notes in the beginning of his work, in regards to ubiquitous technology, that the “design deployment for spiritual practice remains notably absent” (2006, 145). Furthermore, “technologies rapidly scaled only at the point that they were invested with spiritual significance.” (Bell 2006, 145). These two initial points are vital, for it builds off background research, and stresses the implication that the relationship between technology and religion leans more heavily towards religion, being the prime controller of the dynamics between the two. Bell’s
Cited: Abelló, J. M.
2013 Technology Versus Religion. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Modern Development of Humanities and Social Science. Atlantis Free Press.
Bell, G.
2006 No More SMS from Jesus. Theme issue, study of the relationship between ubiquitous computing and religion.
Wyche, S.
2009 Broadening UbiComp’s Vision. Orlando, Florida, USA.
Wyche, S.
2010 Investigating religion and computing. Ph.D dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology.