Quoting the first respondent answer on this matter, “NO, we are all equal in the eyes of Krishna. We are spirit souls”, this implies women in Radhadesh are not seen as inferior by their male counterparts. On the other hand, 3 out of the four female respondents stated they are men equals, however, one of the female reinforced the praphubada purport, she stated that since this statements are from praphubada, she will abide by it, she further stated that this clause depends on how you understand it. To sum it all 86% of the interviewees strongly oppose that women are not men …show more content…
According to the respondent 1, women are also devotees of God, therefore they got rights to do full dandavats like men. His statement was reinforced by other two male respondents who were interviewed separately. On the other hand, women respondents stated they are unhappy with the way some male devotees restrict them from doing dandavats, all of them stated that women do have rights just like men to do full dandavats. In summary 71% of the interviewees suggest that women should be allowed to take