I feel extremely responsible for the horrid tragedy of what had happened to that young lady. On the other hand at the time it took place I was in a furious temper; I had tried on this dress, and well.... it just didn’t suit me at all! Then the girl- had tried on the dress as if she was wearing it. And it just suited her. She was the right type for it. She was very pretty too- with big dark eyes. I caught sight of the girl smiling at Miss Francis- as if to say, “doesn’t she look awful”- and I was absolutely furious. That is when it all happened. I lost all sense of what was right and let anger and jealousy fill me up to the direst cruelty. I said without second thought of consideration to the manager, “this girl had been very impertinent”. You see it didn’t seem so bad at the time. She was pretty and looked as if she could take care of herself. Well now I know well- ‘never judge a book by its cover’. However now it is too late! I cannot even go back to say, “sorry Eva Smith”, never mind helping her, thought if I could now that I know the great, vile grief I helped to cause this girls death, I would do all I can for her. Oh why had this had to happen? I feel I can never go to Milward’s again- I noticed even this afternoon- I suppose some of them remember.…
Dr. Rios’s purpose in writing this chapter is to convince the reader that Tyrell and Jose, as well as many other gang members, had been trapped into joining the gangs or committing criminal activity such as selling drugs to provide for themselves, since the police could not provide them with what they needed. Tyrell is the first focus of the chapter and Rios goes into detail on the Ville, which is “a low income housing project on 66th Avenue and International,” (45) known by many to be one of the most crime-ridden areas in Oakland. Tyrell talks about how his father taught him that the police were the good guys and to obey the law. Tyrell later grew up to “look like a man by age twelve,” (49) which made him a target for criminal suspicions and random checks. To see his father struggling financially as well as see himself getting stopped by the police for no reason other than his appearance, he resorted to selling drugs in order to support himself, since it “was one of the only ways he could make some money.” (50) Rios wanted to show that police were not helping him, contrary to what he was taught by his father. This lead to Tyrell having nothing to fall back on as a reliable source of help, so he had no choice but to resort to criminal activity to help support himself.…
3. Sympathy is raised for the accused person by adding a description of what happened leading up to the death of the victim. The murder is portrayed as a crime of passion, or perhaps self-defense.…
Page 113. Read from ‘Crooks stood up from his bunk…to the top of Page 114 ‘‘Yes Ma’am’, and his voice was toneless.’ How does this create sympathy for Crooks?…
Sympathy is feeling sorrow for other’s misfortune. While this is true, they mostly empathize instead of sympathize. Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings with others. Atticus says, “You never really can understand a person… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” 7. This shows that he knows and understands what people go through. He may have past experiences similar to theirs, or he just is good at relating to others. The reason all the kids show empathy too is because Atticus teaches them the quality. Empathy is one of the biggest themes in To Kill a Mockingbird.…
Blood brother is a tragic tale about two twins who were parted at birth and as a result, led very different lives. The author, Willy Russell portrays the circumstances in which the twins were conceived, born and parted and also gives us an insight into how society has the influence of shaping individuals according to the classes they are in.…
In this paper, I will first introduce the key concepts regarding Hume’s notion of sympathy, then examine the nature of Hume’s sympathy by going through some of its challenges (and the corresponding responses), before I discuss the importance of the concept of sympathy to the sentimentalist school of…
Fallacy in Fred Ribkoff’s Shame, guilt, empathy, and the search for identity in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman…
In his article "Punishment and Loss of Moral Standing", Christopher Morris explain, in his opinion why the death penalty is a justifiable means of punishment. The author first defines what a punishment is by saying it is an imposition of some pain, unpleasantness, or deprivation for a committed offence. The main purpose of punishment is to teach, either the offender or others, that committing this act is wrong.…
Citizens are being arrested every single day for an unlimited variety of reasons. The reason can be anything from abuse of a family member, robbery, drug possession, or murder. The criminal system has four ways to justify punishment. Retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, and social protection are ways in which punishment is justified. Each of the four has its own style of punishment together with its own pros and cons for each Citizen.…
Hudson, B. (1987) Justice Through Punishment: A Critique of The Justice Mode of Corrections, (MacMillan Education Ltd).…
"The fundamental need of American education is to find ways of engaging today's children in the thrill of learning. Fear of pain has no place in that process." - The Christian Science Monitor. Because Ms. Peña and I are in compliance with this statement, we have decided to bring to the attention of the community, the corporal punishment of Sinton High School. There are many effective ways of properly punishing a disobedient student, but there are also limits to certain disciplinary measures. Grant it that a student from Sinton High School may now choose their own punishment, with consent from the parents, it is up to the administrator to keep in compliance, and with in the limits. Bruises, cuts, and/or broken skin should not occur in the process of administering corporal punishment. The eight constitutional amendment clearly states that "no cruel or unusual punishment should be inflicted." If markings are found on a student, the boundaries and law have been broken. Rupturing these boundaries surfaces the question, "Just exactly WHY are we administering the corporal punishment to students, to hurt them?" "...the use of corporal punishment in schools is intrinsically related to child maltreatment. It contributes to a climate of violence, it implies that society approves of the physical violation of children, it establishes an unhealthy norm...Its outright abolition throughout the nation must occur immediately." - U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect.…
In preparation for this assignment, please view the Jurisville scenarios and resulting simulations from Weeks 8 through 10 in the Corrections unit.…
Public shaming is a demeaning practice that should not be used. It has spanned the ages, changed its techniques, and yet produced little results. There are other forms of disciplines that can be used before resorting to a method that does not work.…
Maintaining a capacity for empathy in contrast to pitying the pain of others creates a mirroring effect of compassion with potential to reach countless individuals beyond oneself. A disconnect lies within the use of sympathy to connect to others who are struggling and can often create a patronizing infliction that belittles the individual’s pain. Every individual fights a complex battle throughout their life, and the weapons to win one’s war can often be found in the advice from those who are willing to take the step to relate to another’s level. In the past three months, persisting through a challenge has allowed me to obtain an ability to give back to others that are dealing with similar feelings of discontent by sharing methods I used to bring myself out of confusion in my studies. By empathizing to the hardships…