He maintains that by proclaiming that the Republican Party is the party of American culture, of American spirit, and of true American people, they have not only gained power in both houses …show more content…
Godoy pointed out, was not designed to support the contention of Mr. Frank. Rather, it was designed to show us what Gramscian philosophy is all about. Gramsci used the philosophy and platform of capitalists to highlight the inefficacies of that philosophy. So, in this case, Frank uses what the Republican Party claims to do and claims to help in contrast to what it actually accomplishes. Therefore, by stating and proving that the Republicans have indeed only help economically polarize American society, Frank uses what the people in the Heartland want in contrast to what they are getting. In other words, Frank uses the policies of Republicans and the effects of those policies, to dismantle the support given to them by the very people who are hurt by those policies. The Republican Party has often stated that theirs is the party of the average American person, yet they have only supported big business and elite upper-class. This is what Gramsci did with Communism vs. Capitalism when he tried to understand why the Communism revolution had not happened. He used what Capitalism says and promises to do to highlight that it indeed does not do that but hurts the very people that believe in its