Discuss at least four benefits of using an RTI approach with struggling students.
There are multiple benefits of using the RTI approach, but there are four that really stood out to me. The four benefits that stood out to me are the following:
1. Students get the help they need sooner. With the IQ-Achievement Discrepancy model, students with disabilities may not get the help they need until 3rd or 4th grade because the IQ discrepancy was not large enough to qualify for special education until the 3rd or 4th grade. With RTI approach, students can be identified sooner because all students must take universal screening. This screening helps identify students at risk for failure sooner and gives them the support they need sooner.
2. The likelihood that bad instruction is the cause of learning difficulties decreases. The RTI approach identifies students with possible learning disabilities sooner, so teachers are not to blame for poor teaching.
3. Students do not develop substantial difficulties before they are helped. Since the RTI approach helps students as soon as they begin to struggle, students do not develop substantial difficulties that are hard to