New York:
Old nether landers at new Netherlands
1600-golden ages of Dutch history.
- maj. Commercial & naval power
- challenging England on seas
- 3 maj. Anglo-Dutch wars
- maj. Colonial power [mainly in the East Indies.]
New Netherlands
- new Netherlands : founded in the Hudson River area (1623-1624)
- established Dutch west India comp. for quick-profit fur trade.
- company wouldn't pay much attention to colony
- manhattan [ new Amsterdam ]
- purchased by company for pennies per (22,000 acre )
New Amsterdam harbor , 1639
- company town run in interests of the stockholders
- no interest in religious toleration, free speech, democracy.
- governor appointed by the company were autocorrected
- religious dissenters against Dutch reformed church [inc. quakers] were prosecuted. New Amsterdam , 1660
- aristocrats : patroonships [feudal estates granted to promoters who would settle 50 people on them]
- cosmopolitan : diverse population with Many different languages
Swedes in new Netherlands
- mid-1600s : Sweden in golden age settled small, under-funded colony near new Netherlands.
- 1655 Dutch under director-general Peter Stuyvesant attacked new Sweden.
- Charles II granted new Netherlands land to his brother , the duke of York, [before he controlled area]
- 1644 : English soldiers arrived
- Dutch had little ammunition and poor defense
- Stuyvesant forced to surrender without firing shot.
- renamed "new York"
- England gained strategic harbor between her northern and southern colonies.
- England now controlled the Atlantic coast!
The Quakers
- called Quakers because they "quaked" during intense religious practices.
- they offered religious & secular leaders in England.
- refused to pay taxes.
- they met without pain clergy.
- believed all were children of god : refused to treat the upper class with deference.
- keeps hats on
-addressed them as