The story itself has many extensions of conflicts. To me I thought the story was a multi-layered metaphor had irony and almost like a parody of what was happening in real life. The whole theme of the story is related to real life time and place, this story is like a twist or different way of interpreting what was happening in Argentina during 1965-1979, people were disappearing and people were seeing UFOs. The teacher was always looking out the window and when he did he saw something strange happen, most people back then probably did the same thing and saw a UFO, or so they say they did. And when the baby disappeared it is just like everyone disappearing which everyone was used to. The story was ironic because the old man died similarly to how he accidently killed the beggar.
I believe the implications for the student is that the beggar came back as the baby to take revenge and when the “deed” was done the beggar/baby left. The family was no wiser because people went missing in Argentina all the time. Each person who reads this will have different questions and interpret it in a different way. When I read this I wondered why the beggar would not have done