The Road Homework
Annotation Guide: 1. I agree. If modern civilization were to end, I think that man kind would slowly die away after it’s fall because modern man is not capable of surviving the harsh
Environment of the world. We will especially fall due to the lack of resources and will kill each other off for food. 2. I disagree strongly. Many people are evil people because they enjoy bringing pain to others and are selfish, thus worrying about only their own needs and not for those around them. 3. I disagree. Nature is needed because it is what the earth physically is made of. The earth would die if nature were taken away. I think that nature keeps our sanity too in this world that is slowly depleting Mother Nature of its resources. 4. I disagree and agree because some people like to live a hermit like live while others are more social. I personally would like to live in society because I do not like to be alone for long periods of time as most people do not.
End of the novel discussion questions: 1. McCarthy’s prose style somewhat annoyed me. I was often lost in what was happening because certain ideas felt disconnected. I do not find it to be poetry and am more annoyed by it overall. 2. McCarthy chose to not give the man a name because the man is not who he was before civilization fell; he is a survivor and nothing more. This act of not naming characters makes us look at the characters the same as the other survivors in the book. 3. I think that McCarthy is able to keep the world a scary place by constantly bombarding the characters with new problems such as weather, health, and marauders. I think the part where they describe the man who was burnt from getting struck by lightning was the most vivid scene of the whole book. I think that the most horrifying thing in this post apocalyptic world is the marauder because of how ruthless they are. 4. Nuclear warfare could be a huge reason why the world