“The Road Not Taken” By Robert Frost
In the poem “The Road Not Taken”, the author talks about the mythological situation in which he had to choose one path out of the two choices. “Two roads are diverged in a yellow wood and there is no way that author can travel both the roads”, in the above line author is trying to explain that, in everyone in the human life has more than one choice to make in their lives which the author is referring as a ‘road’. The author refers to the path as any important decision in human being’s life that cannot be reversed for a long time. It could be a career decision or a decision like wedding that encourages us to follow a path for a long time till we fulfil the destination and the author doubted that if he could ever reverse the path and come to the same point again. Our everyday life is based on many decisions that we make from couple number of choices, there are times when we are attracted by more than one number of choices but we have to choose one at a time. During those times when we are attracted towards more than one roads, we have to predict the better outcome from both the choices and make a sound decision. The author talks about choosing the rare path first which is travelled by less number of people and keeping the more travelled path for later. We weigh our options and try to predict what the outcome of a decision might be. Unfortunately we cannot predict the future and then we look down one path as far as we can "to where it bends in the undergrowth" or as far as we can predict however there will always be variables preventing us from seeing too far into the future. These variables could be our attraction and interest in a particular path than the
References: Frost, R.. N.p.. Web. 9 Mar 2014. .