The documentary “The road to Traffik,” interviews former sex slaves in Cambodia, and tells the story of Somaly Mam, a former sex slave who is working to expose brutality these women are subjected too. The documentary starts off with an interview from Somaly Mam, the woman who founded the Somaly Mam foundation. Mam, talks about her experiacne as a young child and as a sex slave before elaborating and speaking about the price of a young girl who has been sold into sex traffiking. After the film makers interview several womaen and girls who were subjected to human traffiking. They spoke about the treatment they went through as well as what happened when they rebeled. As the film closed the narrorator talked about how hard
The documentary “The road to Traffik,” interviews former sex slaves in Cambodia, and tells the story of Somaly Mam, a former sex slave who is working to expose brutality these women are subjected too. The documentary starts off with an interview from Somaly Mam, the woman who founded the Somaly Mam foundation. Mam, talks about her experiacne as a young child and as a sex slave before elaborating and speaking about the price of a young girl who has been sold into sex traffiking. After the film makers interview several womaen and girls who were subjected to human traffiking. They spoke about the treatment they went through as well as what happened when they rebeled. As the film closed the narrorator talked about how hard